Cloud Computing Archives | OTAVA®

Category: Cloud Computing


OTAVA Speaks: OTAVA talks compliant multi-cloud on the Compliance Unfiltered Podcast

February 28, 2023

Hear Jason Pohlman and Connor Duffy talk with TCT’s Adam Goslin about Cloud & Compliance on the Compliance Unfiltered Podcast

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How To Use Azure Public Cloud To Recession-Proof Your IT Systems

February 9, 2023

Companies are turning to Public Cloud for a more effortless experience navigating through times of economic slowdown.

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5 Steps to Reduce the Impact of Supply Chain Constraints on Your IT Strategy

September 7, 2022

Supply chain constraints can have a significant impact on IT strategy

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Control Your Cloud TCO With Managed Azure 

August 8, 2022

It's important to consider the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) when making any IT investment decision

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The Cloud Conundrum: Choosing the Right Cloud for Your Business  

August 5, 2022

Businesses today need to decide which type of cloud is right for them – public, private, or hybrid – and that can be a daunting task

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5 Steps to Recession-Proof Your IT Department  

August 3, 2022

With uncertainty in the air, businesses start to wonder how they can protect themselves from future downturns

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The Essential Checklist for a Successful Cloud Migration

August 2, 2022

The cloud has become an increasingly popular destination for organizations looking to improve their IT infrastructure

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Building an Automation Roadmap to a Seamless Cloud Strategy

July 1, 2022

Building an automation roadmap is key to success for any business, especially those in the cloud

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How to Close the Cloud Skills Gap in Your Organization

June 27, 2022

Many organizations struggle to find employees with the cloud skills necessary to take their business to the next level

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Overwhelmed by cloud chaos?
We’re cloud experts, so you don’t have to be.

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