5 Steps to Reduce the Impact of Supply Chain Constraints on Your IT Strategy | OTAVA®

09-07-22 | Blog Post

5 Steps to Reduce the Impact of Supply Chain Constraints on Your IT Strategy

Blog Posts

In recent years, global affairs have led to an increase in supply chain constraints, affecting the ability of businesses to obtain vital resources and materials. These constraints can have a significant impact on IT strategy, as businesses may be forced to make changes to obtain the hardware and software they need.

Here are five steps that businesses can take to reduce the impact of supply chain constraints on their IT strategy:

1. Embrace a Virtual Cloud Strategy

Constraints in the global supply chain can have a major impact on your business, especially when it comes to your IT infrastructure. Physical equipment can quickly become outdated or unavailable, leaving you scrambling to keep up with the latest technology. Changes in demand can also influence your IT needs, and provisioning of physical equipment takes more time and is usually more expensive than doing so virtually in the cloud.

A cloud-based IT strategy can help reduce the impact of these constraints by giving you the flexibility to scale up or down as needed. With virtual infrastructures, you are not reliant on physical equipment and can quickly adapt to changes in the market. As a result, a cloud-based IT strategy can help you overcome supply chain constraints and keeps your business flexible to changes in demand.

2. Partner With an MSP

The IT sector is especially vulnerable to supply chain disruptions, as the global market for IT equipment and services is highly competitive and constantly changing. As a result, IT companies must be very diligent in managing their supply chains, or they risk losing market share and revenue.

One way to reduce the impact of supply chain disruptions on your IT strategy is to partner with a reliable managed services provider (MSP). An MSP can help you manage your inventory, order equipment ahead of schedule, and keep your provisioning team organized.

In many cases, an MSP will have better capabilities than an internal purchasing and provisioning team. As a result, partnering with an MSP can be a smart way to reduce the impact of supply chain constraints on your IT strategy.

3. Use an App Hosted on the Cloud for Efficient Management

According to a recent study published by Ofcom, the average person spends nearly 4.8hrs every day using apps. That’s a lot of time, and it will only increase as we become more reliant on our mobile devices. With so much time spent on apps, it’s no surprise they play a significant role in our lives. However, there’s another side to this story. Apps also play a major role in the global economy. In fact, they’re responsible for billions of dollars in economic activity each year. But as the demand for apps continues to grow, so does the pressure on the companies that supply and support them.

One way to reduce the impact of supply chain constraints on your IT strategy is to use apps hosted on the cloud. Cloud-based apps are more scalable and flexible than traditional apps, and they can be managed more efficiently. As a result, they can help you avoid disruptions to your IT strategy caused by supply chain constraints.

4. Embrace Remote Work

In order to reduce the impact of supply chain constraints on your IT Strategy, you might want to consider employing a partial or full wfh (work from home) strategy. This will help familiarize employees with working from home and reduce the impact on productivity or performance if they have to shift completely to a wfh strategy to adjust for Covid-lock downs, or combat high gas prices.

Additionally, implementing a partial wfh strategy can also help to alleviate some of the pressure that is put on the company’s physical infrastructure, which can lead to increased efficiency and decreased costs.

5. Monitor Trends

One way to stay ahead of the curve regarding supply chain constraints is to monitor trends. This can help you anticipate problems and adjust your IT strategy accordingly.

For example, if you notice that a particular component is becoming increasingly scarce, you may want to switch to a different supplier or find an alternative source.

By monitoring trends, you can proactively address potential problems before they have a chance to impact your business. In today’s ever-changing business landscape, this is an essential step for any company that wants to stay ahead of the competition.

Bonus Step: Review Your Cloud Spend Regularly

Another method to get the most from your IT budget is to conduct cloud expenditure monitoring regularly. By understanding where your money is going, you can make informed decisions about which parts of your cloud infrastructure are essential, and which can be scaled back or eliminated if necessary.

This process also allows you to identify areas where you may be overspending, which can help you optimize your overall cloud budget. Additionally, reviewing your cloud spending regularly can help you spot trends that could indicate future changes in demand, allowing you to plan accordingly. Ultimately, taking a proactive approach to managing your cloud spend can help you avoid costly surprises.

Bottom Line

Supply chain constraints can have a significant impact on your IT strategy. You can take steps to reduce the impact of these constraints. By following the tips in this article, you can keep your IT strategy on track and avoid disruptions caused by supply chain problems.

Otava offers a comprehensive suite of IT solutions that can help you build resilience to supply chain challenges and combat uncertainty. Our solutions are designed to help you avoid disruptions to your IT strategy caused by supply chain constraints. Contact us today to learn more about how Otava can help you reduce the impact of supply chain constraints on your IT strategy.

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