How To Use Azure Public Cloud To Recession-Proof Your IT Systems | OTAVA®

02-09-23 | Blog Post

How To Use Azure Public Cloud To Recession-Proof Your IT Systems

Blog Posts

The International Monetary Fund recently foreshadowed a rockier economic year than what transpired in 2022. In its October 2022 report dubbed the World Economic Outlook, the organization predicted slower worldwide economic growth of 2.7%, a downgrade of 0.2 percentage points from its July 2022 forecast.

The report also notes that the new year will feel like a recession for millions globally, and the situation is already unfolding in different corners of the globe. This means that companies must make informed investment decisions and practice smart spending.

Organizations leverage cloud computing to weather the financial storm, but even these infrastructures can fail to float above a recession. Fortunately, savvy companies are turning to Microsoft Azure for a more effortless experience navigating the tough times.

Even The Cloud Can Get Rained On

While cloud computing is mostly viewed as recession-resistant, this isn’t always the case by default. Amazon and Alphabet (Google’s parent company) are perfect examples. These are two of the top tech providers, but they face pressure in parts of their business.

Amazon is currently dealing with a significant slump in ecommerce sales that could cause the company’s first year-over-year revenue decline. On the other hand, Google, which heavily relies on digital advertising, appears vulnerable after posting disappointing results against smaller rivals. This caused a 6% share price dip.

While these two companies run large cloud operations, they still experience the impact of economic dynamics. This shows that almost every company is struggling with the current times, and only those with efficient cloud infrastructures will be able to navigate the hurdles. Microsoft Azure is one tool that can come in handy during a financial crisis.

What Is Microsoft Azure?

Previously called Windows Azure, this Microsoft public cloud computing platform comprises over 200 cloud services and products to optimize your infrastructure for sluggish financial times. It offers Software as a Service, Platform as a Service, and Infrastructure as a Service. All these facilitate virtual computing, analytics, networking, storage, and more.

Thanks to the cloud computing platform’s vast and varied recession-proof capabilities, you may use it to either supplement or replace your on-premise servers.

How Can Azure Shield Your Business Against the Recession?

A recession can open your eyes to numerous cost-cutting opportunities that aren’t available during bloom seasons. It’s the best time to minimize your cloud computing costs and free up resources for other functions.

Microsoft Azure can technically recession-proof your business, making it easier for your business to beat the hard times in the following ways.


It’s essential to stick to your budget when looking for cloud solutions. Fortunately, Microsoft Azure provides the necessary features without you breaking the bank. This flexible platform offers the opportunity to scale on demand, allowing you to pay for the resources and services you need. Therefore, you can test and pick what’s necessary as your needs change, cutting your costs significantly in the long run.

Space Economy

Azure can replace your physical servers and data technology, saving lots of office space. Moreover, it provides multiple easy ways and onramps for “lifting-and-shifting” problematic or aging portions of your infrastructure or technology. This significantly reduces your shipping costs and eWaste.

Increased Business Resiliency

The public cloud platform has all the options and tools to keep the “lights on” for any business. While you must pay more to access additional redundancies, you’ll get enormous computing redundancy, network, power, and multiple ways to keep your infrastructure up and running, even in the event of a disaster.

Beefed Up Security

Cybersecurity attacks are even more common in times of recession, but Azure is built to enhance your security posture. From unstructured data, files and more, the platform has exemplary storage services for your situation and needs. Moreover, you can leverage the solution’s data privacy, and the protection principle will leave you assured that your data is safe. Azure implements security protocols, algorithms, and encryption for this.

Support for Hybrid Cloud Computing

The cloud platform facilitates “anywhere operations,” allowing your staff to work from anywhere. It addresses the single points of failure to boost your core processes’ durability. Furthermore, you’ll access the services and tools to implement and maintain a seamless hybrid cloud infrastructure. This translates to faster collaboration and increased productivity.

Compliance And Disaster Recovery

Finally, you have much to gain regarding disaster recovery and compliance. The platform has multiple compliance certifications, making it attractive for organizations in high-risk and data-sensitive industries. Both the solution itself and its end users are secured. Moreover, you’ll get additional services like multi-factor authentication and advanced disaster recovery abilities. Thus, you can always recover your data quickly after any glitch.

Bottom Line

Judging from current market trends and predictions by industry leaders, you must prepare to navigate the foreseeable rocky economic conditions. This isn’t easy, especially if you also have to optimize other core business aspects. But a reliable IT partner can shield your company and guide you to get the most out of Microsoft Azure.

OTAVA can be your best bet to achieve a recession-proof IT system. Our experienced team runs a multi-cloud infrastructure comprising Microsoft Azure and other innovative cloud services. Therefore, you can count on us to partner with you to weather the storms coming our way in 2023 and beyond.

Reach out to discuss your needs with our reputable cloud experts.


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