PCI DSS Compliance Day at the 2013 ETA Expo Tackles Mobile Security Challenges | OTAVA®

04-29-13 | Blog Post

PCI DSS Compliance Day at the 2013 ETA Expo Tackles Mobile Security Challenges

Blog Posts

Tomorrow is Compliance Day at the 2013 ETA (Electronic Transactions Association) Annual Meeting & Expo in New Orleans; an event for the payments industry, including hosting and other IT vendors. Online Tech will be exhibiting PCI hosting solutions at booth #1237, including:

Read our previous article featuring an interview with one of the Compliance Day conference speakers Randy Gainer, partner with Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, about cloud service providers and the challenge of PCI cloud computing in Cloud-Based Mobile Payment Considerations at ETA Expo: PCI Compliant Cloud is Essential.

Other notable presentations on Compliance Day, April 30, include:

The Future of PCI: Securing Mobile Payments in a Changing World
Speaker: Troy Leach, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), PCI Security Standards Council

This session will provide an overview of what’s ahead with the release of the latest version of the PCI DSS mobile standards, as well as how to use the new PCI SSC mobile resources to ensure compliance. It will also shed light on today’s mobile payment environment as well as the associated risks and challenges when it comes to securing payment card data. Read our PCI Compliant Hosting white paper or our Mobile Security white paper for more about compliance and IT.

The session will also address the relationship between PCI standards and EMV (the global standard for credit and debit payment cards based on chip card technology; EMV stands for Europay, MasterCard and Visa, the original developers of the EMV specifications in 1994). Additionally, the discussion will cover new technologies available to reduce security risks and how to take advantage of them when planning for PCI in your business.

Other sessions focus largely on the theme of tackling mobile device security and mobile payment processing with The Future of Device Security and Card Brand Panel, featuring experts from all four card brands.

Not attending the ETA expo? Even if you are, sign up for our upcoming free webinar next week on PCI DSS Guidance for Mobile Security featuring guest Adam Goslin, COO of High Bit Security and Online Tech as we review the challenges and details of the recent PCI mobile guidelines as they relate to PCI DSS and PA DSS compliance. Submit your questions in advance:

Title: PCI DSS Guidance for Mobile Security
When: Tuesday, April 9 @2PM ET
Register: Visit the Event page for registration link.
Description: In February, 2013, the PCI Security Standards Council released a document covering Mobile Payment Acceptance Security Guidelines.  High Bit Security COO, Adam Goslin, will review the highlights of the recent guidelines, detailing some of the clarity and pitfalls contained in the recent mobile guidance from the PCI SSC, including impacts to PCI-DSS and PA-DSS compliance.

Adam GoslinAdam Goslin, COO, High Bit Security, LLC
Adam has an IT career that spans more than 15 years, going on to found High Bit Security, a national security services provider, providing penetration testing solutions to clients who need to protect sensitive data in industries such as Healthcare, Credit Card, Financial, or companies that otherwise store Intellectual Property or Personally Identifiable Information. High Bit Security also provides security consulting services to our clients to assist them with their compliance objectives across PCI-DSS, PA-DSS, or simply wish to perform a security best practices audit of their organization. www.HighBitSecurity.com

Read more about mobile PCI compliance in:

PCI Webinar Recap: Updates to PCI-DSS Compliance for E-Commerce and Cloud Computing Security
On February 26th, Adam Goslin, COO of High Bit Security, joined us for the webinar Updates to PCI-DSS Compliance for E-Commerce and Cloud Computing Security. In the hour-long discussion Adam really dug into the specifics of the supplements that came … Continue reading →

New Industry Guidelines for Secure, PCI Compliant Mobile Payments
The PCI SSC (Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council) is looking alive this year, rolling out supplemental guides to help clarify a number of evolving PCI technical issues, including: PCI Cloud Computing E-commerce Security ATM Security Mobile Payment Acceptance Security … Continue reading →

About EMV
2013 ETA Compliance Day (PDF)

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