Online Tech Presents at Michigan Disaster Recovery Event: Are You Prepared for a Disaster Like Sandy? | OTAVA®

02-21-13 | Blog Post

Online Tech Presents at Michigan Disaster Recovery Event: Are You Prepared for a Disaster Like Sandy?

Blog Posts

Online Tech’s co-CEO Mike Klein will be presenting on a Michigan disaster recovery panel hosted by the 7×24 Exchange Southeast Michigan reliability forum next Tuesday, February 28 in Southfield, Michigan. The panel discussion will be followed up by a roundtable session including experts in planning for DR, during a disaster, clean-up after a disaster, and experiences with data center disasters.

Session: Are You Prepared for a Disaster Like “Sandy”?
Date: Thursday, February 28th, 2013
Time: 4:30 PM Registration and Networking; 5:30 PM Panel Discussion & Roundtable
Location: Pi Banquet Hall, 28775 Franklin Rd., Southfield , MI 48034
Topic: Disasters and Recovery – An IT Perspective
RSVP: 7×24 Exchange Southeast Michigan Website

The discussion will cover the differences between disaster planning and disaster recovery as well as how cloud computing has affected disaster recovery planning or responses. Titled, Are You Prepared for a Disaster Like Sandy?, the major natural disaster that hit the East Coast late last year still has building developers, data centers and businesses of all sizes that rely on power networks for survival reeling from its force.

The hurricane caused data center battery failures due to power shutdowns, ultimately bringing down major websites as a result. Underground and electrical infrastructure and equipment were protected by preemptive power shutdowns, but suffered from the fundamental design issue of unfortunate location – many generators and systems were housed in building basements, making them susceptible to flooding and irreparable damage.

Online Tech Generator; Ann Arbor Michigan Data Center
Online Tech Generator; Ann Arbor Michigan Data Center

Many building developers since have relocated generators to the top floors of their buildings, and in some cases, even the roof in attempts to avoid power shutoffs and major effects from future disasters, as the reported in The Generator Is the Machine of the Moment.

Michigan Disaster Recovery

For Online Tech’s Michigan data centers, we don’t have much cause for worry – Michigan has an extremely low risk of major natural disasters, including earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes. From 1980 to 2009, Michigan experienced the lowest number of major natural disasters, second only to Alaska.

With data centers located 53 miles apart on separate utility power grids that are connected with Gigabit fiber, Online Tech offers the ideal solution for both production and disaster recovery in Michigan for businesses located in disaster areas, such as the East and West coast.

Listen to a podcast with co-CEO Yan Ness about how the design of different data center infrastructures can assist in providing a resilient disaster recovery plan.

About the 7×24 Exchange Southeast Michigan
7×24 Exchange Southeast Michigan is the leading knowledge exchange for those who design, build, use and maintain mission-critical enterprise information infrastructures, 7×24 Exchange’s goal is to improve end-to-end reliability by promoting dialogue among these groups.

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