Michigan Disaster Recovery & Hurricane Sandy: Podcast | OTAVA®

11-01-12 | Blog Post

Michigan Disaster Recovery & Hurricane Sandy: Podcast

Blog Posts
Michigan Hosting
Hosting in Michigan? National Lowest Natural Disasters.

WWJ Newsradio 950 Tech Editor Matt Roush speaks with Yan Ness of Ann Arbor’s Online Tech LLC about how disasters like Hurricane Sandy drive interest in disaster recovery services like his company’s data centers.

Aired yesterday, October 31, this podcast explains how the design of different data center infrastructures can assist in providing a resilient disaster recovery plan. Listen to the podcast now.

Having a couple data centers 50 miles apart provides a significant amount of resiliency, as long as they’re here in the Midwest. – Yan Ness, CEO of Online Tech

Online Tech is the ideal IT disaster recovery data center partner with our Michigan data centers uniquely situated 53 miles apart, directly connected with Gigabit fiber, and located on two separate power grids.

Read more about our disaster recovery services, including offsite backup, cloud-based disaster recovery and SAN-to-SAN replication.

Or read case studies about real companies and how they use disaster recovery to ensure continuous data protection and application availability at their organizations.

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