Online Tech Exhibits at the Privacy & Security Forum | OTAVA®

09-03-13 | Blog Post

Online Tech Exhibits at the Privacy & Security Forum

Blog Posts

Online Tech is excited to be exhibiting at the Privacy & Security Forum this month (September 23rd-24th) in Boston. The Privacy & Security Forum is put on by HIMSS and HealthcareITNews, and is dedicated to assisting healthcare executives as they wind through the many challenges associated with securing PHI.

This year the theme for the forum is “Protecting Data Assets and Managing Risks”, and will start with an opening keynote by Leon Rodriguez. Leon is director of the Office for Civil Rights within the Department of Health and Human Services. With the new Omnibus Rule put out by HHS going into effect the first day of the Forum, it’s particularly exciting to get to hear him speak to patient security and privacy.

Another session to check out will be a panel discussion titled “Managing Security Risks of Health Data in the Cloud”. This conversation is going to be centered around moving PHI to the cloud while keeping that data safe and secure. There will also be some time spent on cloud providers as business associates, and how to contract with these providers if your company is looking to outsource. This panel discussion will be moderated by Mark Diodati, and the panelists will be Lee Kim of HIMSS, and Phil Curran, the CIO of Cooper Health Systems.

The forum will be held in the InterContinental Boston Hotel. For more information about the event, be sure to check out the event page on our website. We’ll be there exhibiting, and talking about our HIPAA compliant hosting offerings. Stop by booth #106 if you’re going to be at the forum, and ask us about our HIPAA compliant encrypted cloud options. We also plan to be live-blogging and live-tweeting during the event, so make sure to check up on @OnlineTech if you can’t make the event yourself.


More Resources:

Privacy & Security Forum Agenda -Take a peek at what will be discussed later this month at the Privacy & Security Forum.

A Look Ahead to September: HealthIT, Cloud Computing/Virtualization -as summer winds down, HIPAA compliance, health IT and cloud security become a main focus of the next month.

Top 5 Healthcare Cloud Security Guides –Private cloud or public? Encryption – addressable or a must-have? Cloud for email and document storage, or enterprise-class infrastructure? As HIPAA continues to evolve with the deadline of the final HIPAA omnibus rule coming up (Sept. 23), it’s a good time to get a refresher on health IT security.

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