Hot-aisle/Cold-aisle Containment in Colocation | OTAVA®

10-28-08 | Blog Post

Hot-aisle/Cold-aisle Containment in Colocation

Blog Posts

Energy efficiency strategy takes attention to fire prevention requirements

Hot-aisle/cold-aisle containment has gained popularity as a data center design feature, especially in power-dense collocation environments. But with this energy-efficient data center strategy, fire prevention can be tricky and requires special attention.

Hot-aisle/cold-aisle containment – a variation on the traditional data center best practice of hot-aisle/cold-aisle design – is a way for data centers to isolate hot and cold air streams so they don’t mix with one another and cause energy inefficiencies. But when isolating those air streams, data centers can leave themselves vulnerable to violating fire codes that require detection and prevention devices throughout the room.

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