Michigan Disaster Recovery Seminar a Huge Success | OTAVA®

10-17-08 | Blog Post

Michigan Disaster Recovery Seminar a Huge Success

Blog Posts

Attendees listened to Disaster Recovery Experts

OnlineTech’s Disaster Recovery Seminar in our Michigan Data Center today was well received.  Over 80 attendees got to listen to:

  • Rod Smith, Principal at UHY Advisors MI and the leader of the firm’s Sarbanes-Oxley practice discussed how to put together your Disaster Recovery Plan.
  • Scott Vince, Founder of Capricorn Diversified Services and Gordon Konz, Storage Expert from Dell presented Disaster Recovery using VMware and SAN architecture.
  • Christopher Balk from Coretek discussed managing IT infrastructure with Microsoft tools.
  • Adam Goslin, VP of IT for Osiris Innovations Group, discussed how Osiris addressed their need for a secure, scalable high availability data centers for both production and disaster recovery.
  • Finally, Mike Klein, President and COO of OnlineTech presented frameworks for data centers, disaster prevention and disaster recovery.

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