When is a self-managed cloud right for you? | OTAVA®

09-16-19 | References

When is a self-managed cloud right for you?


When it comes to cloud computing, you’re probably in one of two camps: You’re ready to move to the cloud, or, more likely, you’ve already moved but are experimenting more with the technology. With more than 84 percent of organizations adopting a cloud strategy, according to RightScale, the question changes from “should I go to the cloud?” to “What kind of cloud is best for me?” To add to the complexity, executives are also asking themselves whether they should manage their cloud themselves or continue working with their third-party cloud provider.

If you’re asking yourself the same thing, then read our guide, “When Should You Use a Self-Managed Cloud?” and read six different scenarios and use cases that make the most sense for an organization to manage the cloud themselves. Then you can decide for yourself if you’re ready to move forward with a self-managed cloud solution.

Not really feeling a self-managed cloud? Check out our related brief, “Managed Cloud Use Cases and Examples” to decide if a managed cloud solution is better for your organization.

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