TCT Reaches New Markets With OTAVA® Managed Azure | OTAVA®

Case Study

TCT Reaches New Markets With OTAVA® Managed Azure

Case Studies

The Challenge

A long-term OTAVA virtual hosting customer, TCT was looking for ways to expand its offerings and meet growing demand for compliance solutions. TCT recognized that it could immediately help more customers by supporting additional hosting compliance certifications, beyond those already covered by OTAVA’s data centers. In particular, TCT wanted the ability to support the DoD’s recent Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) at a FedRAMP 5 rated facility so that it could serve the growing number of organizations requiring these certifications.

The Solution

With TCT’s  environments securely hosted in OTAVA’s data centers, the compliance certification requirements of its current customers were fully met.

However, the ability to cover even more certifications would open up many new opportunities for TCT. OTAVA and TCT met to discuss a new strategy and OTAVA proposed migrating all of TCT’s existing environments to an Azure cloud environment, with the hosting environment fully managed by OTAVA.

The migration to OTAVA’s Managed Azure would allow TCT to gain the benefits of the cloud platform, including CMMC and FedRAMP certifications.  Additionally, TCT would be able to take advantage of the backing of OTAVA’s infrastructure management, various security services, and support services.

“Through TCT Portal, we serve organizations subject to, helping attain, or assessing against a myriad of different standards. Lately we’ve seen a lot of demand from organizations that are subject to the recently updated CMMC certification by the DoD.  With OTAVA’s Managed Azure, we can now offer our services to organizations and assessment firms that require the support of this certification,” said Adam Goslin, CEO of TCT. “We have always appreciated working with OTAVA because they are experts in putting together various technical security and compliance solutions. OTAVA makes it easier for us to serve our clients by allowing us to leverage many of OTAVA’s security services under one vendor, making our own compliance far more manageable.”

The Results

The collaborative, thorough, and smooth migration of TCT’s hosting environment from OTAVA data centers to OTAVA’s Managed Azure solution occurred within one weekend. Now TCT’s entire platform and hundreds of clients are on OTAVA’s Managed Azure platform.

Thanks to OTAVA’s Managed Azure solution, TCT now has the additional compliance certification capabilities that are highly valuable to many current and future clients.

“Before this migration, we had business opportunities that we had to turn away because we didn’t have all the necessary underlying hosting certifications. This solution has opened up our capability to interact with almost any client. In fact, we’ve already re-engaged with nearly a dozen clients that were previously on our waiting list, that we can now serve immediately,” explained Goslin.

The new platform provides TCT with stability, performance, and flexibility. OTAVA’s people-centered approach brought the team and a strategic technology plan together successfully.

With OTAVA Managed Azure in place, TCT now has the ability to easily expand its business geographically, as well. TCT has plans for expansions into Europe, and possibly Canada, in the future.

In addition to the Managed Azure solution, OTAVA provides TCT with numerous security services, namely:

  • Backup
  • Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)
  • File Integrity Monitoring
  • Central Logging
  • Intrusion Detection System / Intrusion Prevention System (IDS/IPS)
  • Managed Firewall
  • Antivirus
  • Vulnerability Scanning (both external and internal)

“The fact that OTAVA is a one-stop shop for all of TCT’s hosting needs is an enormous benefit. In the security and compliance consulting side of the business, we appreciate the value of being able to get all your needs reliably handled by one trusted vendor, rather than a multitude of providers that must be managed individually. OTAVA brings it all together in one simple, effective, and affordable package,” said Goslin.

TCT’s adoption of the new OTAVA Managed Azure solution was a simple and seamless transition, resulting in a strong platform for long-term growth and success. Together, OTAVA and Azure offer all the key features and management capabilities that TCT needs to serve clients now, and into the future.

OTAVA provides tremendous value in their maintenance of many important certifications such as PCI, SOC, ISO, and HIPAA, and expertly manages the Azure environment – which extends the compliance features even further. The full solution, including complementary services, provides confidence and peace of mind so that TCT can focus on helping its customers without distraction.

About Total Compliance Tracking

Total Compliance Tracking’s (TCT) portal has been built from the ground up by compliance professionals, for compliance professionals. In doing so, TCT has helped hundreds of businesses, consultants, service providers and compliance assessment firms improve the operational efficiency of managing complex compliance engagements. Cost-effectively facilitating collaboration and connecting the dots between internal compliance resources, consultants, external assessment firms, and vendors, TCT ensures that each and every engagement requirement is completed in a cohesive, coordinated manner. To support its business, TCT has hosted all its workloads and environments in OTAVA’s secure and compliant data centers since 2015.

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