Online Tech Exhibits HIPAA Hosting at the 2013 Health Care Compliance Association Conference | OTAVA®

04-03-13 | Blog Post

Online Tech Exhibits HIPAA Hosting at the 2013 Health Care Compliance Association Conference

Blog Posts

Online Tech is ramping up for a busy spring season of touring – we’ll be exhibiting at the Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA)’s 17th Annual Compliance Institute Conference April 21-24 in National Harbor, MD. The conference draws in healthcare compliance professionals, risk managers, privacy officers, healthcare CFOs and CEOs, and more for days of learning tracks in the following areas:

  • Healthcare reform and compliance
  • Long-term care
  • Privacy & security
  • Physical compliance
  • Legal & regulatory
  • Auditing & monitoring
  • Success as a compliance professional
  • Quality of care

With the final HIPAA omnibus changes, the conference will also be covering the HIPAA Privacy and Data Breach Rules and how to tackle the added complexity challenges for compliance professionals. The agenda includes over 190 speakers, 142 session and 9 different tracks. Some of the more notable sessions include:

Keynote: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General (OIG) Update
Daniel R. Levinson, Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Daniel R. Levinson has headed the Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) since 2004.  As IG, Mr. Levinson is the senior official responsible for audits, evaluations, investigations, compliance initiatives, and law enforcement efforts to combat fraud and abuse in Medicare, Medicaid, and over 300 other public health and human services programs administered by HHS.  He leads an independent and objective nationwide organization of over 1700 professional staff members dedicated to promoting economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in all HHS programs.

A Dialogue on HIPAA/HITECH Compliance: Considerations Now that the HITECH Rules Are Here
Leon Rodriguez, Director of the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

  • The HITECH Statute and the recently released HHS omnibus privacy regulation have dramatically transformed compliance with health information privacy and security requirements
  • Increased scrutiny of covered entity compliance by the HHS Office for Civil Rights comes at the same time as new substantive requirements and above all, the extension of liability to business associates and their subcontractors
  • This session will cover practical considerations for compliance with these important rules

OCR Reports on Enforcement of the HIPAA Rules
David Holtzman, Senior Health IT and Privacy Specialist, HHS Office for Civil Rights

  •  Learn how OCR works with the healthcare industry to comply with HIPAA Privacy & Security Rules
  • Explore types of issues which are most often investigated and why
  • Ask questions about what OCR looks for in a compliance program

Last year, Holtzman was quoted as saying, “If you use a cloud service, it should be your business associate. If they refuse to sign a business associate agreement, don’t use the cloud service.” This year, the OCR has officially included business associates in the scope of HIPAA compliance, making them liable for fines and penalties previously limited to covered entities.

Online Tech’s HIPAA hosting solutions support the healthcare industry, from software providers to physician groups that require secure technical services to protect patient health information. We’ve a long history with compliance and security – our HIPAA compliant data centers, colocation, managed servers and cloud services undergo annual audits by third parties to ensure we’re operating at the highest standards, and our internal risk management and security officer oversees our employee HIPAA training and establishment of company security policies and procedures.

If you’re attending, visit us at booth #919!

Find out more about the conference and register here.

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