Indiana HIMSS Spring Conference: Innovations in HIT (Health Information Technology) | OTAVA®

05-08-13 | Blog Post

Indiana HIMSS Spring Conference: Innovations in HIT (Health Information Technology)

Blog Posts

Online Tech exhibited HIPAA hosting solutions at booth #9 at the Indiana HIMSS Spring Conference hosted in Carmel, Indiana yesterday. The conference theme centered around Innovation in HIT (Health Information Technology).

Keynote Address:
Troy Trygstad, PharmD, MBA, PhD
Vice President, Pharmacy Programs
Community Care of North Carolina
Medication Management Innovations

Troy is still a part time pharmacist in North Carolina. He thinks there is great opportunity to improve the health trajectory where patients go about their daily lives.

Putting the Affordable Care Act aside altogether, the following are health systems trends and trends of health reform that are occurring and needed to occur anyways:

  • Reduced cost shifting and increased sharing
  • Increased focus on prevention
  • Increased accountability
  • Increased cross-setting, and inter-entity collaboration
  • Increased capture, exchange and application of data

So what is the result of all this? There is a rise in questions such: what are we doing for patients when they aren’t in the four walls of my hospital or office? There is a huge shift in how patients not interact with the healthcare system and how they want to receive their health information.

He noted that healthcare is very likely the next fiscal cliff pointing towards inadequate, misaligned, or non-existent payment systems for pharmaceutical care. Higher healthcare spending is not necessarily associated with better quality. Troy went on to discuss payment systems in the healthcare and what we can expect to see in the future in regards to the various payment systems.

Troy through a trivia question out to the audience and asked if anyone knew the significance of the following date:

April 12, 1955

Several people jumped on their Smartphone’s and one brave soul responded that it was the day the polio vaccine was announced.

Troy was proving the point that information is right at our fingertips. The Internet has become our extended care team. It is where people go when they need health care information and non-healthcare information. Consumers are going to want instant access to their health information. Just send me a text when the results are ready would you?

Health Information Technology Trends that are occurring:

  • EMR/HIS gold rush starting to easy up – The focus is now on leveraging data and value added and plug-in products
  • Vertical and horizontal integration of PHI
  • Big Data – Population health and quality measure are driving priorities; refocusing of positive predicative value; and logistics
  • Patient empowerment is starting to emerge more and more in regards to personal health records, records portability, virtual care, devices, pricing transparency and new settings of care

About Indiana HIMSS
The Indiana Chapter of HIMSS is one of over forty affiliated chapters of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, the largest health care information systems professional organization in the nation. Our purpose is to bring health care professionals together to promote the exchange of experiences and knowledge among colleagues, and to assist members in their professional growth. We accomplish this objective by presenting educational seminars/conferences, networking opportunities, and a forum for the exchange of ideas among those committed to the goal of improving patient care through the effective use of information technology.

Chapter members come from diverse backgrounds, all involved in some aspect of health care information systems and management. Our members consist of professionals from hospitals and clinical organizations, third-party payors, administrators, information technology vendors, consultants, management engineers, telecommunications professionals, physicians, nurses and medical informatics professionals – essentially anyone interested in the trends of health care information and management systems.

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