Online Tech and Duo Security Team Up to Present Two-Factor Authentication Webinar | OTAVA®

05-30-13 | Blog Post

Online Tech and Duo Security Team Up to Present Two-Factor Authentication Webinar

Blog Posts

Online Tech hangs its professional hat on being the leader in secure and compliant hosting services. Just a few miles away in our hometown of Ann Arbor, Mich., resides another giant in the data security business.

Duo Security pioneered smartphone-based two-factor authentication and its services are now used by some of the most security-conscious organizations on the planet, along with three of the top five social networks.

Members of both teams are combining to offer a free educational webinar at 2 P.M. ET on Tuesday, June 4, titled The Affordable Way to Maintain Security and Compliance with Two-Factor Authentication.

Online Tech uses Duo Security for its own VPN connection for employees and offers the smartphone two-factor authentication for VPN access as an optimal security measure to protect against online fraud and unauthorized access for clients that connect to their networks from a remote location.

Two-factor authentication is a required component of Online Tech’s PCI DSS compliant services and a best practice to meet HIPAA compliance.

Jason Yaeger
Jason Yaeger

Jason Yaeger, Online Tech’s Director of Operations and Risk Management, said Duo Security was the only player in the smartphone two-factor authentication market when Online Tech first partnered with them.

“Duo Security had a unique technology,” he said. “A lot of two-factor services out there were utilizing a key fob with rotating numbers to authenticate. Duo integrated smartphones as second factor. You can lose a key fob and not know it, but nobody loses a phone and does not know it.”

Brian Kelly
Brian Kelly

After tremendous early success, Duo Security is no longer the only player in its space. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, after all. “If it wasn’t such a hot area, we probably would be the only one,” said Senior Product Manager Brian Kelly.

Richard Li
Richard Li

Kelly and Yaeger will be joined by Duo Security’s Vice President of Product and Strategy, Richard Li, when the two premier data security organizations combine to teach businesses how to protect their data – and their reputations.

According to Mandiant, 100-percent of security breaches involve stolen credentials. When sites are breached, passwords are stolen and can be reused to access additional accounts. The impact on business and professional reputations can be disastrous.

To find out more about the webinar and to register via GoToMeeting, click here.

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