July Webinar: Why Is It So Hard to Secure a Company? | OTAVA®

06-19-13 | Blog Post

July Webinar: Why Is It So Hard to Secure a Company?

Blog Posts

Join Adam Goslin, COO High Bit Security for an informative webinar on the latest information on cyber-theft, and the very real security challenges all businesses face.

Title: Why Is It So Hard to Secure a Company?
When: Tuesday, July 16 @2PM ET
Register: Visit our website
Description: This easy to understand session is intended for both business and technical participants to improve their understanding of the reasons it is so difficult to secure a company, the biggest (incorrect) assumption that leads to an insecure stance, and learn ways to get proactive about risk mitigation.

Cyber-crime and data breaches – every day the news is filled with reports of hackers stealing sensitive information from companies. Major companies make big news, but today the majority of the client data and intellectual property theft is targeted at small and medium size organizations as they are typically an easier target.

High Bit Security COO, Adam Goslin, will share the latest information on cyber-theft, and the very real security challenges all businesses face. He will review security testing solutions your organization can implement immediately to mitigate your risk of being a victim. Participants can expect to gain a much greater level of understanding of the security risks to their own organization, vendors, and customers.

Adam GoslinAdam Goslin, COO, High Bit Security, LLC

Adam has an IT career that spans more than 15 years, going on to found High Bit Security, a national security services provider, providing penetration testing solutions to clients who need to protect sensitive data in industries such as Healthcare, Credit Card, Financial, or companies that otherwise store Intellectual Property or Personally Identifiable Information. High Bit Security also provides security consulting services to our clients to assist them with their compliance objectives across PCI-DSS‘, PA-DSS, or simply wish to perform a security best practices audit of their organization. www.HighBitSecurity.com

ISSAInterested in cybersecurity and located in Michigan? Come to the open meeting of the Motor City chapter of the ISSA (Information Systems Security Association), tomorrow night at 6PM ET at our Ann Arbor 2 Data Center.

Our newest Ann Arbor data center is located south of Ann Arbor, Michigan in Avis Park. With close proximity to major highways and the University of Michigan, this facility offers an ideal location for high availability production and disaster recovery.

Find out more about our Ann Arbor 2 data center and specifications here.

Charles Herring, a Senior Systems Engineer from Lancope, will be presenting on Incident Response and Forensics with Netflow. Online Tech will also give a presentation on encryption technology on the software and hardware level. Tours of Online Tech’s secure hosting data center will be ongoing. The event is open to non-members and we invite those in Michigan concerned about information security to attend.

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