Online Technologies' CEO Wins Impact Award | OTAVA®

04-01-08 | Blog Post

Online Technologies’ CEO Wins Impact Award

Blog Posts

Yan Ness Wins Michigan 50 Impact Award

Recently, the Edward Lowe Foundation announced that Yan Ness, Online Tech’s CEO, is a 2008 recipient of the Impact Award.

The Impact Award is given to alumni of the Michigan 50 Companies to Watch. An Edward Lowe Foundation release states, “Awardees have contributed thier time, energy, influence and resources to enhance the alumni network and the Companies to Watch program in a number of ways…”

The release continues to state, “Yan’s willingness to share his enthusiasm and experience with other entreprenuers adds value to the alumni network. Following a 2007 Michigan 50 leadership retreat, Yan was instrumental in bringing together a group of alumni that worked with the foundation to initiate the first Key Managers retreat. He is a member of the Advisory Council of the Ann Arbor Angels, providing strategic guidance and hands-on startup assistance to young companies.”

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