Online Tech Exhibits Encrypted HIPAA Hosting at HIMSS Midwest Tech Conference | OTAVA®

09-27-13 | Blog Post

Online Tech Exhibits Encrypted HIPAA Hosting at HIMSS Midwest Tech Conference

Blog Posts

Online Tech is heading to Milwaukee to Rock IT Around the Clock! That’s the theme for the HIMSS Midwest Area Chapters Fall Technology Conference November 10-12, where we’ll be exhibiting our encrypted HIPAA hosting solutions at booth #501.

We offer encryption of data at rest and in transit, an addressable but highly recommended requirement of the HIPAA:

In accordance with §164.306… Implement a mechanism to encrypt and decrypt electronic protected health information. (45 CFR § 164.312(a)(2)(iv))

HIPAA also mandates that organizations must:

§164.306(e)(2)(ii): Implement a mechanism to encrypt electronic protected health information whenever deemed appropriate. Protecting ePHI at rest and in transit means encrypting not only data collected or processed, but also data stored or archived as backups.

encryptioncloudWe’ll be exhibiting encrypted HIPAA clouds, colocation and managed servers. Read more about encryption techniques in our Encryption of Cloud Data white paper.

The event begins with an opening reception held at the Harley Davidson Museum, and continues with keynotes, breakout sessions and the exhibit hall at the Wisconsin Center.

Judy Murphy, Deputy National Coordinator for Programs & Policy from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, is a featured keynote speaker. In this role, she coordinates federal efforts to assist health care providers and organizations in adopting health information technology to improve care and works to promote consumers’ greater understanding and use of health information technology for their own health.

She is responsible for administering the federally-funded HITECH (Heath Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health) programs for: 62 Regional Extension Centers, 56 State-Designated Entities for Health Information Exchange, 17 Beacon Programs, 4 Workforce Training Programs, Electronic Health Record Certification, Consumer eHealth, and the Health IT Resource Center.

Notable breakout sessions include:

  • Achieving Safe Harbor: How to Build an Effective Encryption Strategy
  • Healthcare “Hotspotting” using Community HIE Data
  • Meaningful Use: A Model for Successful Adoption

View the full conference agenda here (PDF). Participating HIMSS chapters include the Greater Chicago Chapter, Indiana Chapter, Iowa Chapter, Michigan Chapter, Minnesota Chapter and the Wisconsin Dairyland Chapter. Visit the 2013 Midwest Fall Technology site for more details.

HIPAA Compliant Hosting White PaperFor more about health IT security, read our HIPAA Compliant Hosting white paper.

This white paper explores the impact of HITECH and HIPAA on data centers. It includes a description of a HIPAA compliant data center IT architecture, contractual requirements, benefits and risks of data center outsourcing, and vendor selection criteria.

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