Online Tech's Data Security Video Series: What is Data Encryption? | OTAVA®

10-08-13 | Blog Post

Online Tech’s Data Security Video Series: What is Data Encryption?

Blog Posts

Online Tech’s Senior Product Architect Steve Aiello leads a data security series of videos on data encryption by explaining what it is and the history of the process. Watch the full video on our site.

Data encryption has been around since the Ceasar Cipher, an algorithm used in the Roman times. Encryption is scrambling data that is unreadable to people that do not have the key. Aiello describes how a key is the map to the encrypted data (cipher text) that is decrypted into plain text. It is used to keep unauthorized people from viewing sensitive data.

Learn more about encryption of data at rest and in transit on our Defense in Depth page.


The increased cyber threats of hackers and data theft presents a strong case for employing encryption and infrastructure that both secures data while delivering strong computing performance for optimal data availability and reliability. In this white paper, different types of encryption will be discussed, including using encryption in the cloud.

Although encryption is not a silver bullet of data or system security, it is one key tool that can be accompanied by a full arsenal of security services for a layered-defense approach to ensuring data is protected, even if accessed by unauthorized individuals. Additional security options to add to your IT solution will be covered.

Download our latest white paper, Encryption of Cloud Data.

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