Demand for Cloud Security Increases as DDoS Attacks Increase 54% in Q2 | OTAVA®

10-24-13 | Blog Post

Demand for Cloud Security Increases as DDoS Attacks Increase 54% in Q2

Blog Posts

Cloud-based security revenue is forecasted to reach $9.2 billion by 2017, at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 10.8 percent. In addition, the managed cloud security market is projected to grow 45 percent. According to, the significant growth can be attributed to:

  1. Increase in the complexity and volume of threats
  2. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and distributed workforce (more remote)
  3. Security product sprawl

This study complements another focused on the rise in distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks that increased 54 percent between the first and second quarter of 2013. According to Akamai’s State of the Internet report, 42 percent of the total DDoS attacks reported were enterprise customers.

Google recently released a Digital Attack Map that visualizes DDoS attacks as they happen in real-time to show when and where they’re happening. According to Gizmodo, paired with Ann Arbor-based Arbor Networks, the Digital Attack Map is updated hourly and shows inbound, outbound and internal attacks between and within countries.

According to the Akamai report, the top three perpetrators of DDoS attacks worldwide during the second quarter include Indonesia, China and the United States.

One security tool that can help to have in your arsenal is log monitoring and daily log review. Daily log review allows you to not only monitor and analyze user and system activity, but it also means a human is reviewing and analyzing the logs to detect patterns of use and potentially malicious users.

Daily Log Review

The advantage behind log monitoring is having a system that condenses huge logs of data so it’s easy to digest, and with daily review, you can be more proactive in preventing and resolving issues before and as they’re happening, instead of after.

Find out which other technical security tools can help guard against online attacks by checking out our Technical Security resources, and learn about a comprehensive Defense in Depth solution to encrypt your data.

Looking for more information on encryption of data at rest and in transit, and in the cloud?

Download our Encryption of Cloud Data white paper now for a complete guide to encryption techniques, including what is required for different data regulatory compliance standards. Or read our Mobile Security white paper for tips on secure BYOD environments.

Cloud Security Services To Top $9 Billion by 2017, Barring Stumbling Blocks
Enterprises Are Top Target for DDOS Attackers; Cloud Security Tops $9 Billion
Akamai: DDoS Attacks Increased Since Q1 2013, Indonesia Marked As Biggest Cyberbully

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