6 Ways Cloud Improves your Business | OTAVA®

10-12-20 | Blog Post

6 Ways Cloud Improves your Business

Blog Posts

GartnerCloud computing concept says that IaaS public cloud services grew from $32B to $44.5B from 2018-2019 and that Data Center systems and Enterprise Software declined -9.7% and -6.9% respectively, from 2019-2020. Some of the proven benefits driving this change are reduced operating and capital costs, increased agility and flexibility, better resource utilization and improvements in environmental impacts. As is typical when customers deploy new services to support an innovation cycle, (e.g. digital transformation) the on-going customer experience provides feedback that influences product improvements, reduces complexity and improves economics. For cloud services, the addition of customer driven, end-to-end cloud management and control meets all of those criteria.

A Significant Value-Add for Cloud Services

With the rapid development and deployment of cloud services, (2020: 68% of US business have adopted managed cloud infrastructure) new forms of old challenges have appeared for the customer relating to management, platform and policy, including:

  • Cost management  of dynamic and elastic cloud services
  • Cloud sprawl and shadow IT
  • Access control, provisioning and policy management
  • Application usage and performance monitoring
  • End-to-end management in a hybrid cloud environment
  • Data and application migration
  • Disaster recovery and business survivability
  • Security and compliance

All of these challenges (excluding cloud cost management, which is replacing data center infrastructure spend management) were common before the transformation to cloud services and well documented in the era when premise-based data center solutions were the rule. In today’s cloud IT environment, it’s much easier to resolve these challenges via software platforms, hypervisors and APIs that work together across most all network environments.

Before discussing the benefits that end-to-end, single pane cloud management delivers, it’s important to note that your IT and compliance policies and business survivability plans must be updated, shared and agreed upon across the organization. End-to-end cloud management is the apparatus to support and assist in the enforcement of these centralized policies.

This is Where Cloud Gets Real.

Otava Gen3 Cloud, built upon VMware Cloud Director, delivers the customer driven, end-to-end management capabilities that address platform and policy challenges. From a single pane of glass, the customer will find the following benefits:

  • Cost management is delivered with granular visibility of current and historical usage data to the VM level and also with cost enforcement through quotas and allocations.Additional cost controls are available through a choice of usage-based or contract-based purchasing models.
  • Cloud sprawl and shadow IT are greatly reduced with end-to-end, centralized resource visibility in combination with your improved IT and compliance policies.
  • Access, provisioning and policy management challenges are met with robust role-based authorization capabilities. It is now possible to delegate control with self-service role-based access of applications, infrastructure and networking management for your teams.
  • Application provisioning and migration benefits through the creation of application service templates, on demand and deployed within a few clicks.
  • The complexity of hybrid cloud management is reduced by connecting public cloud or on-premise environments to Otava Gen3.
  • Disaster recovery, security and compliance are addressed and supported by integrated services that provide turnkey solutions backed by top providers such as Veeam, Zerto and Cisco.

Delivering the Solution

If you’re looking for solutions that drive the complexity out of cloud management, Otava can help. Otava Gen3 Cloud offers simple-to-use cloud services that put you in control. That’s it. Built on the latest Cloud Director infrastructure from VMware, you can easily add or remove resources, configure your environment, and dream big. Plus, prepackaged services are tailored to your unique needs, with backup and continuity tools at your fingertips. Consider our secure, compliant Gen3 Cloud Solutions managed by a team of experts trained in the latest security best practices. Call 877-740-5028 or contact us to learn more.

More information

Think you know cloud? Think again. Learn more about Otava Gen3 Cloud by downloading our data sheet

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