Online Tech Radio Show on SOC 2 & Compliance | OTAVA®

09-13-12 | Blog Post

Online Tech Radio Show on SOC 2 & Compliance

Blog Posts

April Sage, Director of Healthcare Vertical and Marketing discussed recent developments in the risk assurance industry on Risk Assurance Talk Radio with Jon Long, Audit Senior Manager at CompliancePoint.

Speaking from the perspective of the first data center operator to achieve a SOC 2 report, April discusses Online Tech’s dedication to audits and the many different types of compliance in order to better serve diverse industry security needs.

Listen to a recording of the radio talk show here:

Listen to internet radio with Risk Assurance Talk Radio on Blog Talk Radio

Related Resources:
SOX Compliance Blog Posts
SAS 70, SSAE 16 and SOC Comparison
Data Center Standards Cheat Sheet – From HIPAA to SOC 2

Security is paramount at Online Tech. Learn more about the latest trends in security at our Fall into IT tech seminar and sign up to attend presentations by industry leaders, tomorrow. Can’t attend in person? Sign up for remote attendance to view real-time livestreaming video of the presentations.

April Sage, CPHIMS, Director Healthcare Vertical, Online Tech

April Sage has been involved in the IT industry for over two decades, initially founding a technology vocational program. In 2000, April founded a bioinformatics company that supported biotech, pharma, and bioinformatic companies in the development of research portals, drug discovery search engines, and other software systems.

Since then, April has been involved in the development and implementation of online business plans and integrated marketing strategies across insurance, legal, entertainment, and retail industries until her current position as Director Healthcare Vertical of Online Tech.


Jon Long, CISA, QSA Senior Audit Manager CompliancePoint
Jon is a Senior Manager and Practice Builder at CompliancePoint as well as an enthusiastic blogger at The Risk Assurance Guy. He is a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) as well as a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) in the Payment Card Industry (PCI).

Jon has over 15 years experience in IT, and crossed over into auditing in 2006.  His background enables him to conduct audits from the perspective of having been audited by external auditors.  He is currently championing an audit approach that allows organizations to combine multiple compliance requirements into a single SOC 2 engagement.


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