Online Tech Exhibits HIPAA Hosting at Indiana Healthcare Symposium | OTAVA®

11-06-13 | Blog Post

Online Tech Exhibits HIPAA Hosting at Indiana Healthcare Symposium

Blog Posts

Next week Online Tech is going to be doing a lot of traveling throughout the mighty Midwest. On November 13-14th we’ll be heading to the JW Marriot in Indianapolis for the Indiana Healthcare Symposium. It is sponsored by the Indiana chapter Healthcare Financial Management Association, Indiana chapter HIMSS, the Indiana Healthcare Executives Network, and Indiana Health Information Management Association (IHIMA).

This event is going to cover a lot of ground in the healthcare community. There will be talks like “Sustaining a Financially Vibrant Healthcare Organization”, a panel discussion with C level participation that allows the audience to gain insight into the tried and true methods from successful healthcare companies.

There will also be discussions like “New Government Focus on Fraud and Abuse Enforcement” with Alex Krouse and Bob Wade from Krieg DeVault, LLP and Mike Klueh from St. Mary’s Hospital. They’ll be going into a deeper dive on fraud and abuse, and the methods the government is implementing to better deal with these issues.

Mark Swearingen from Hall, Render, Killian, Heath, and Lyman will also be there, speaking about HITECH Act Regulations. This breakout session promises to be very informative on the regulations and changes implemented for the HITECH Act.

Online Tech will be exhibiting our HIPAA compliant hosting solutions both days of the Indiana Healthcare Symposium. Come see us between sessions, and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you have about any of our HIPAA compliant services or our Independent HIPAA Audit proving us 100% compliant. If you haven’t yet registered, you still have a couple of days to get signed up.

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