Backup video series: What are the different ways to restore data? | OTAVA®

02-14-14 | Blog Post

Backup video series: What are the different ways to restore data?

Blog Posts

Note: This is the sixth in a 12-part data backup video series by Online Tech Senior Product Architect Steve Aiello. View the entire backup video series.

Did Bob in accounting accidentally delete an important Excel spreadsheet? Was your server hacked or otherwise compromised? Those are two very different reasons for a data backup plan, and they require different solutions.

The ability for file-level restoration is very helpful, and the most common requirement of organizations. But the ability to perform a complete system restoration is a great option for compromised data.

“These are two very different, but very important, things to look at in a backup software,” Aiello says. “Can we restore individual files with granularity, and can we restore the entire system to a clean, consistent state.”

This video series will continue throughout February. Check back for new entries every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Up next: “What is the difference between a snapshot & a full data backup?”

Learn more by downloading our disaster recovery white paper. This white paper is ideal for executives and IT decision-makers seeking a primer, as well as up-to-date information regarding disaster recovery best practices and specific technology recommendations.

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