What is the difference between a snapshot and full data backup?

02-17-14 | Blog Post

Backup video series: What is the difference between a snapshot and full data backup?

Blog Posts

Note: This is the seventh in a 12-part data backup video series by Online Tech Senior Product Architect Steve Aiello. View the entire backup video series.

Disaster Recovery White PaperWe’ve just launched our latest white paper on Disaster Recovery! This white paper is ideal for executives and IT decision-makers seeking a primer as well as up-to-date information regarding disaster recovery best practices and specific technology recommendations, including Disaster Recovery as a Service.

Download the Disaster Recovery white paper.

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As its name implies, a data snapshot — think Polaroid or Instagram — captures a distinct point at the storage level. It’s an appropriate data backup solution for certain types of data, but inappropriate for others.

Because it doesn’t have the intelligence of true backup system, snapshots can have issues with memory intensive applications and can result in a state of “crash inconsistency.”

Backup software can communicate with applications. “With a full data backup, you can be sure that your server – if you have to restore it – is in a “crash consistent” state, and you can be sure that your data is available,” Aiello says.

This video series will continue throughout February. Check back for new entries every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Up next: “Why is it important to encrypt data backups”

Learn more by downloading our disaster recovery white paper. This white paper is ideal for executives and IT decision-makers seeking a primer, as well as up-to-date information regarding disaster recovery best practices and specific technology recommendations.

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