Backup video series: How to make data backup an easier process | OTAVA®

02-24-14 | Blog Post

Backup video series: How to make data backup an easier process

Blog Posts

Note: This is the 10th in a 12-part data backup video series by Online Tech Senior Product Architect Steve Aiello. View the entire backup video series.

Want to make data backup an easier process? In today’s entry, Aiello suggests following the same business practices that you would for almost every other decision: Trust the experts. Talk to people that know data backup and do it every day.

“If my toilet doesn’t work, I’m definitely calling a plumber. I’m not going to try to fix these solutions myself,” Aiello said. “And, really, the same thing goes with any IT service. If you’re struggling with backups, contact somebody that knows what they’re doing and does this regularly.”

Your time is best spent focusing on your key business objectives. Most problems with IT systems come from human error. Don’t realize a do-it-yourself backup system isn’t working properly after it’s too late to save lost data.

This video series will continue throughout February. Check back for new entries every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Up next: “Do I need a testing plan for data backups?”

Learn more by downloading our disaster recovery white paper. This white paper is ideal for executives and IT decision-makers seeking a primer, as well as up-to-date information regarding disaster recovery best practices and specific technology recommendations.

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