On-site with Online Tech at HIMSS14 | OTAVA®

02-26-14 | Blog Post

On-site with Online Tech at HIMSS14

Blog Posts

April Sage, Director of Healthcare IT for Online Tech, contributed some photos from HIMSS14, where a group of Online Tech employees are spending their week networking, learning and exhibiting the company’s enterprise cloud with end-to-end encryption. (If you’re in Orlando, stop by booth #3904.)

Above you see the outside of the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, the location of this year’s annual event. Below are a couple scenes from inside the conference’s 440,000 square feet of exhibition space. Sage notes the buses are “great metaphors of BIG data, mobility, integration … all keys for moving ONWARD with innovation!”

Stay tuned to this blog for thoughts from HIMSS14 live sessions and keynote addresses.

Today’s keynote address is from former Secretary of State, Senator and First Lady Hillary Clinton. Her husband, former President Bill Clinton, spoke at HIMSS13 in New Orleans.

In a keynote address on Monday, Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini called for change to a healthcare system that he says is “breaking the bank” of the U.S. economy. Forbes transcribed his speech, and interesting coverage of it can be found at Medical Economics, Modern Medicine, Modern Healthcare and Healthcare IT News.

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