Raising the Bar on Security, Reliability and Compliance | OTAVA®

05-08-12 | Blog Post

Raising the Bar on Security, Reliability and Compliance

Blog Posts

An update from Online Tech’s President:

As we roll into spring, Online Tech continues to raise the bar on the security, reliability and compliance of our data centers and services.  Here is a brief list of some of the capabilities we’ve added over the first four months of this year:

Audits and Compliance:
As you may know, we continue to invest heavily to ensure we meet the highest level of data center standards.  In the recent months, we’ve successfully completed three new audits:

  • SOC 2 & SOC 3 Audits – Online Tech was the first multi-tenant data center in the country to complete this much more stringent AICPA audit. SOC 2 is a more objective standard for high quality data center operators and we passed the audit with flying colors.  You can read more on this audit at: http://www.onlinetech.com/secure-hosting/sarbanes-oxley-sox-compliant-hosting/soc-2-a-soc-3-hosting
  • PCI Audit – In February we completed one of the most technically demanding audits for security in the Payment Card Industry (PCI).  PCI compliance is required for any company that receives, processes or stores credit card information on their servers.
  • Energy Star Certification – With our investments last year in our Mid-Michigan data center, we achieved the EPA’s Energy Star Certification for energy efficiency.  The Mid-Michigan data center performs in the top 25 percent of data centers nationwide for energy efficiency and meets strict performance levels set by the EPA.

Data Center Infrastructure:

  • New Fiber into Mid-Michigan – We’ve added another optic path to our Internet providers in Mid-Michigan – increasing the redundancy and resiliency of our Internet connections.
  • Comcast Fiber in Mid-Michigan – Comcast has also installed fiber into Mid-Michigan. Comcast Business Class is an additional connection option for our clients that need high speed direct connection to our data centers.
  • We also added a redundant dark fiber circuit between our Ann Arbor data centers.  This second path takes an entirely different route through the Avis Farms office park – providing a more resilient connection between the two data centers.

New Network Security Services:
In the next 90 days, we will be rolling out an enhanced set of network services to meet PCI security requirements. The first of these services is two-factor VPN authentication.

  • Two-factor VPN Authentication– We teamed up with Duo Security to provide a simple, mobile phone-based authentication method that is much more convenient and easier to use traditional two-factor systems. The security measure adds an extra layer of protection to critical VPN connections by requiring a secondary authentication method to achieve network access.  If you have critical data such as financial or healthcare information on your servers, we recommend you take a look at two-factor VPN authentication.

Website & Seminars:

  • Spring into IT Seminar– This Friday, May 11th, we’re bringing in the experts on Mobile Computing, Cloud Security, HIPAA, PCI Compliance, and Network Security for a morning of technical seminars at our Ann Arbor 2 data center.  We’d love to have you join us.  You can register at: http://www.onlinetech.com/resources/events/seminars/spring-into-it
  • New Web Site & Blog – We launched our new website at the beginning of this year and we’d love your feedback.  Something confusing?  Something you love?  Let us know.  We appreciate your feedback because it helps us continue to better serve you.

Net Promoter Score:

  • We started using the Net Promoter System (NPS) from the book “The Ultimate Question 2.0” by Fred Reichheld to track and measure client satisfaction. We want to consistently deliver excellent client service through our metrics, accountability and visibility.

As you can see, we’re working hard to earn our reputation as one of the top mission-critical data center operators in the country.  We look forward to continuing to serve your hosting needs.

Best Regards,

Mike Klein
President & Chief Operating Officer
Online Tech Inc.

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