Online Tech Update: Tech Seminar, White Paper and Scholarships | OTAVA®

05-07-12 | Blog Post

Online Tech Update: Tech Seminar, White Paper and Scholarships

Blog Posts

Here’s a brief roundup of what’s new with Online Tech in May:

Spring into IT

Spring into IT May 2012
Spring into IT May 2012

This Friday, we’re bringing in the experts to launch technical discussions and provide tactical knowledge around topics like cloud computing security, HIPAA compliance, how to properly configure server racks, how to comply with PCI DSS standards, and more.

Don’t miss our special noon keynote speaker, Linda Daichendt, Executive Director of the Mobile Technology Association of Michigan, and her presentation on “The Mobile Explosion: What Does it Mean for You, Your Business, and Michigan’s Economy.”

Stay for a few sessions, breakfast or lunch, or join us for the morning for great networking opportunities. Sign up online and view the seminar schedule and location here.

HIPAA Compliant Data Centers White Paper

CIO’s, CEO’s, physicians, healthcare SaaS (Software-as-a-Service providers) and any other IT decision-maker or influencer should download and read this paper.

HIPAA Compliant Data CentersThis is a comprehensive, detailed document for anyone seeking more information about the implications of HIPAA/HITECH on data centers, the role of business associates, specific technology requirements and recommendations, and more.

We consulted with a Certified HIPAA Security Specialist (CHSS) and internal engineers to create a diagram comparing each HIPAA standard to our applied technology to create a secure and private hosting environment. We’re serious about compliance, and we want to share our research and knowledge to educate the industry to make more informed hosting decisions. Download the white paper today.

Data Security Scholarships

Stay tuned for more about this great opportunity for tech-minded students interested in health IT, cloud computing, data security, disaster recoverycolocation and a variety of other topics. We’ll post a detailed blog tomorrow about how to sign up and what you’ll need to enter the scholarship program.

IMN Data Center Forum in NYC

IMN Data Center Forum

Online Tech will be attending the Second Annual Spring Forum on Financing, Investing and Real Estate Development for Data Centers at the end of May, in New York City, New York.

Online Tech CEO and President Mike Klein will be leading a session on Evaluating Data Center Business Models, May 24 at 8:30 A.M. Find out more about session and panel here.

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