Online Tech Implements Net Promoter System | OTAVA®

04-19-12 | Blog Post

Online Tech Implements Net Promoter System

Blog Posts

At the beginning of this year, Online Tech started using the Net Promoter System (NPS) from the book “The Ultimate Question 2.0” by Fred Reichheld. The Net Promoter Score (part of the Net Promoter System) allows us to track and measure client satisfaction, as well as the likelihood of client referrals as a result of their experience with our company. At Online Tech, we want to  consistently deliver excellent client service through our metrics, accountability and visibility.

The Ultimate Question
The Ultimate Question

We hope to implement the Net Promoter System over the course of the next year. In order to do so, we’ll be collecting data bimonthly with the help of our clients.

It’s all based on a simple question:

“On a scale of 0 to 10, would you recommend Online Tech to a friend or colleague?”

0 = You wouldn’t recommend Online Tech
10 = You would definitely recommend Online Tech

By asking this question, Online Tech will be able to gather information and pinpoint areas in our company where we can improve the entire customer experience.

Every morning, our company holds a huddle to discuss client-related metrics and help resolve any client issues. We want to gather feedback from our clients at any point in time, good or bad.

If you’ve had a positive experience with us recently, tell us about it. If you’ve had a less than stellar experience with us, we want to know about those, too! Send us an email at [email protected] with your score based on the scale mentioned earlier and any other comments you would like to share with us. We want to hear from you during this process –  without your feedback, it wouldn’t be possible.

Online Tech will provide more information about the Net Promoter Score as we fully implement the system this year. If you are interested in learning more about the Net Promoter System and about other companies that have implemented the system, visit Be sure to check back here frequently over the next few months to read more about our efforts in using the Net Promoter System to continuously improve our business practice.

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