HIT '12 Conference on Healthcare Information Transformation | OTAVA®

03-21-12 | Blog Post

HIT ’12 Conference on Healthcare Information Transformation

Blog Posts

We’ve been busy! Online Tech is attending the HIT (Healthcare Information Technology) ’12 Conference on Healthcare Information Transformation in Jacksonville, FL from April 3-4.

HIT '12
HIT ’12

The tagline is Leveraging IT to Improve Healthcare Delivery, with a focus on how implementing new technology can lower costs, increase efficiency and improve patient care. The conference will examine the challenges of implementing health IT infrastructures and new technology, including security and privacy issues and federal regulations/meaningful use guidelines.

The top 12 issues to be covered at the conference concern healthcare IT executives:

  1. Prioritizing HIT issues in 2012 and beyond
  2. IT innovation in the time of compliance
  3. The challenges of ICD-10 implementation
  4. Storage growth; keeping up with demand
  5. Moving from data to analytics/business intelligence
  6. Health information exchanges: architecture, applications, connectivity
  7. Creating a mobile plan and infrastructure
  8. Making information available anytime, anywhere
  9. Meaningful use stage 2 and beyond—optimizing IT strategies
  10. Considering the cloud for EHRs—or not
  11. Integrating inpatient and outpatient information systems
  12. Protecting data and privacy

How do we fit into the healthcare IT picture?

Online Tech provides a variety of compliant and audited HIPAA hosting solutions including HIPAA cloud hosting, HIPAA colocation, and HIPAA managed servers for healthcare organizations and healthcare software providers that need their applications and data hosted in compliant data centers. Our audited solutions can help you achieve HIPAA compliance and create an IT system within federal regulations.

Find more information about the event, including location, attendees and speakers here.

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