Collaboration At The 12th Annual Detroit CIO Executive Summit | OTAVA®

11-11-14 | Blog Post

Collaboration At The 12th Annual Detroit CIO Executive Summit

Blog Posts

This week Online Tech will be headed to the Adoba Hotel Dearborn for the 12th annual Detroit CIO Executive Summit, put on by the Evanta group. This is a premium event created “by CIOs, for CIOs”, in order to get the most relevant and helpful information onto the program.

The primary focus for the event is collaboration, and there’s no shortage of this with over 30 executive speakers packed into one day. The keynotes are even more impressive, with David Behen, CIO of the State of Michigan kicking off the morning’s conversation. He’ll be speaking to the business trajectory of CIOs, and how the increasing influence of the CIO is making them better suited for positions like CEO in the future.

Here’s another amazing session in store for anyone attending the Detroit CIO Executive Summit:

Debating (De)Centralization

Kelly Knepley, VP, Global IT for Maxion Wheels
Mark Cybulski, CIO for ZF North America, Inc.
Jef Fisk, Board Member for SIM Detroit (Moderator)

“To centralize or decentralize? The answer for most organization is somewhere in the middle and often swayed by industry trends. Mark Cybulski and Kelly Knepley offer a fresh perspective on this long-standing dilemma in the form of an ardent debate. Each will champion arguments identifying the structural benefits of their assigned position while poking holes in their opponent’s. They’ll discuss cost effectiveness, business alignment, agility, and quality in a session challenging CIOs to look critically at the best of both worlds. For the sake of a spirited argument, they’ll adopt opinions at opposing ends of the ideological spectrum that are not necessarily their own or reflective of their organization.”

Online Tech will be at the summit, showing off our secure, compliant, enterprise hosting solutions, so come stop by our booth and say hello as you’re heading into those sessions!

To get more information about the summit, or the Governing Body that helps create these events, head to the Detroit CIO Executive Summit event page.

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