Day 1 - Liveblogging from HIMSS '12! | OTAVA®

02-20-12 | Blog Post

Day 1 – Liveblogging from HIMSS ’12!

Blog Posts

HIMSS Gold Corporate Member

The Online Tech Team has officially landed in Las Vegas for HIMSS ’12, the Annual HIMSS Conference & Exhibition bringing together over 30,000 healthcare IT professionals and exhibitors.

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9:30 A.M. – Good Morning, Las Vegas!

Good Morning, Las Vegas
Good Morning, Las Vegas

The strip waking up … Or more likely going to sleep …

Off to the HIMSS ’12 pre-workshops!

10:50 A.M. – Fueling up, registration at the Las Vegas Sands Expo & Convention Center, and starting a CPHIMS educational session at HIMSS 12.

HIMSS 12 Breakfast & Registration
HIMSS 12 Breakfast & Registration
CPHIMS Certification Education Session
CPHIMS Certification Education Session

Looking forward to learning more about CPHIMS (Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management Systems) with Ruth Bowen & Susan Wozniak @ HIMSS12!

3:30 P.M. – Setting up the Online Tech HIPAA Hosting Booth (#13528) Exhibit.

Online Tech HIPAA Compliant Hosting Booth Setup
Online Tech HIPAA Compliant Hosting Booth Setup
Booth Unloading and Exhibitor Space
HIMSS Exhibitor Booth Unloading

4:40 P.M. – Our HIMSS hotel!


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