Day 2 - Liveblogging from HIMSS '12! | OTAVA®

02-21-12 | Blog Post

Day 2 – Liveblogging from HIMSS ’12!

Blog Posts

We’re liveblogging from Las Vegas, site of the 12th Annual HIMSS Conference & Exhibition, bringing together over 30,000 healthcare IT professionals and exhibitors.

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Late o’clock – Play our Las Vegas-centric slideshow below to see the city at its finest, from the Bellagio Fountains to our view of the Las Vegas strip at night.

11:33 A.M. – The HIMSS keynote address is underway – the co-founder of Twitter, Biz Stone, is speaking next.

HIMSS Keynote Speaker
HIMSS Keynote Speaker

11:46 A.M. – Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter, speaking at the HIMSS ’12 keynote address!

Biz Stone Twitter Co-Founder
Biz Stone Twitter Co-Founder posted a Twitter recap of Biz Stone’s keynote:

Tuesday’s HIMSS12 Keynote was given by Biz Stone, one of the co-founders of Twitter. Social media is certainly a hot topic at HIMSS12, and Stone explained ways we can refine communication in our businesses.

2:10 P.M. – HIMSS educational session: Data Center Hosting – Build, Upgrade or Partner


Tanya Freeman, MS
Chief Information Officer, Central Maine Healthcare Corporation

Mr. Denis Tanguay
CIO, Central Maine Healthcare

Data Center Hosting
Data Center Hosting

4:30 P.M. – Listening to a cloud and compliance talk at HIMSS.

Cloud Compliance Talk
Cloud Compliance Talk

View from the 60th floor (top) of the Wynn Las Vegas & Encore Resort.

Night View from Wynn
Night View from Wynn

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