Central Indiana ISSA Holiday Party | OTAVA®

12-09-14 | Blog Post

Central Indiana ISSA Holiday Party

Blog Posts

‘Tis the season for holiday parties! While we know your schedule is probably very busy between the end of quarter push and the family just about to show up on your doorstep, we think you should make room for a little bit of infosec fun. This Thursday from 6 to 9pm, The Central Indiana ISSA will be putting on their annual holiday party. The event will be at the Tow Yard Brewery in Indianapolis, and promises to be a great opportunity to network with your infosec peers. There will be food, drinks, and prizes, so make sure you show up!

Don’t yet know ISSA? You should. The Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) group has been providing education to the infosec community for many years, through a mixture of seminars, networking events, and online resources. If you aren’t a member, sign up to become a part of the community and keep informed on all the goings on you’ll want to participate in. For more information on the central Indiana ISSA, head over to their site.

Online Tech will be a sponsor of the holiday party this week. We’re looking forward to meeting with people from around the Indiana region to answer questions about our new, state-of-the-art Indianapolis data center, and to wind down from our most recent Metro Detroit data center grand opening.

If you haven’t yet gotten your tickets for the holiday party, there’s still time. Pick up a few tickets and bring a friend or colleague. We look forward to seeing you there, and happy holidays!

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