Planning HIMSS 13: Cloud Computing in Healthcare | OTAVA®

01-15-13 | Blog Post

Planning HIMSS 13: Cloud Computing in Healthcare

Blog Posts
HIMSS 13: New Orleans
HIMSS 13: New Orleans

Since it’s never too early to create a HIMSS 13 schedule, I’ve compiled a list of the top health IT (specifically cloud computing) education sessions to attend from the HIMSS 13 Annual Brochure (PDF). Visit the HIMSS 13 conference site for more information about the annual health IT and management systems conference held from March 3-7. This year’s conference will be located in New Orleans at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, and typically draws in more than 35,000 healthcare industry professionals and exhibitors.

HIPAA Compliant Cloud

Online Tech will be attending and exhibiting our HIPAA compliant hosting solutions at booth #1369, including HIPAA compliant clouds, colocation, managed servers and disaster recovery. Our recent HIPAA renewal audit measured our hosting solutions, data centers and staff against the newest OCR HIPAA Audit Protocol, developed as a result of the Office for Civil Right’s initial pilot audit program conducted on random covered entities nationwide. The protocol is a list of criteria and auditing guidelines for independent auditors to use to determine if a business associate or covered entity is HIPAA compliant. For more about the latest set of standards, read The HIPAA Police Are On Their Way! or Technical Solutions to Meet the OCR HIPAA Audit Protocol.

Details about HIMSS 13 cloud computing sessions:

Lessons Learned: Meaningful Use Attestation Using Integrated Cloud-Based EHR
Speaker: Jocelyn E. Piccone, MHA, MA, CMPE
Description: The largest physician-managed multi-specialty group in Dayton, Ohio shares ‘lessons learned’ from implementing an integrated, cloud-based EHR to attest for Meaningful Use, improve daily workflow and increase practice efficiency.

  • Explain why more physicians are choosing cloud-based EHRs
  • Describe the role that cloud-based EHR technology plays in clinical workflow and Meaningful Use attestation
  • Recognize the primary benefits of using an integrated, cloud-based EHR and practice management system
  • List the complexities and challenges associated with a having a non-integrated EHR
  • Identify the importance of aligning a physician practice with a credible cloud EHR vendor

Why Cloud Medical Imaging Should Be In Your Future
Speaker: Kevin S. Yee
Description: Learn how Henry Ford Health System is securely and successfully moving to a cloud-based, centralized repository for medical image access, storage, viewing and sharing for its cardiologists.

  • Manage the explosive growth of medical images cost effectively through a vendor-neutral archive
  • Identify how to provide clinicians with anytime, anywhere access to vital medical images, regardless of where the images are created and stored
  • Create a highly secure environment for encrypting medical image data in transit and at rest
  • Recognize how to build a culture that instills clinician confidence and satisfaction

The “Tele-Tipping Point:” Practicing Medicine from the Cloud
Speakers: Andrew Watson; Rasu Shrestha, MD, MBA
Description: As the global population learns to communicate through a digital medium, this session will examine the movement towards patient-centric, virtual healthcare, and the role interoperability and information systems play.

  • Discuss virtual healthcare and telemedicine, and its impact on the healthcare industry
  • Identify the role of interoperability and information systems will play in the adoption of practicing medicine from the cloud
  • Assess the digital culture change in our society, and how it will increase adoption of virtual healthcare and telemedicine

HIPAA Compliant Hosting White PaperFor more on using the cloud and secure hosting for HIPAA compliant solutions, read our HIPAA Compliant Hosting white paper. With 36 pages of statistics, diagrams and researched information sourced from engineers and a CHSS (Certified HIPAA Security Specialist), this white paper is your complete guide to HIPAA hosting.

Mobile Security White PaperOr read our Mobile Security white paper for how to secure electronic protected health information (ePHI) while using mobile devices in the workplace.

Still have questions? Contact us now.

Related Links:
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