Michigan Colocation | OTAVA®

12-05-10 | Blog Post

Michigan Colocation

Blog Posts

State’s Lowest Incidence Rate of Natural Disasters Gives Michigan Colocation Hosting an Edge.

Michigan Hosting
Hosting in Michigan? National Lowest Natural Disasters.

From a disaster prevention perspective, it’s best to pick colocation in an area that has a very low incidence of natural disasters.  One of the advantages to Michigan colocation is that Michigan has the lowest incidence of natural disasters in the entire continental U.S.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Billion Dollar US Weather Disasters Analysis, Michigan stands alone in the fewest number of natural disasters of any kind in the country.

Combine the Midwest work ethic, access to world class technical talent from leading Universities like the University of Michigan and Michigan State, and the cool weather with the lowest number of natural disasters in the country, makes Michigan colocation a logical choice for any high availability hosting requirement.

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