Review Your Server’s Backup Status with OTPortal® | OTAVA®

02-21-12 | Blog Post

Review Your Server’s Backup Status with OTPortal®

Blog Posts

As an Online Tech client, you can use OTPortal® to easily monitor the backup status of any servers for which you have OTBackup. Login to OTPortal at, open the Systems tab, and check the Devices section.

Backup Devices View
Backup Devices View

Here you’ll find a color-coded indicator of each server’s backup status; green for good and red for failed. Our engineers constantly monitor backup jobs, and promptly restart backups for failed jobs. A notice that a job has been restarted is normally posted to the Messages section on the Status Dashboard.

To view more information for the last backup job for a given server, click the Device Detail button. The Device Detail page shows the date and time of the most recent backup job, as well as several other details regarding the server.

Backup Messages View
Backup Messages View

If you would like to add OTBackup for a server that doesn’t already have it, simply click on the Upgrade button for that server. You can easily add additional RAM, CPU, disk storage, SAN space, or OTBackup for any server you have that is managed by Online Tech.

Additional information about OTPortal is available in several training videos, found right on the site itself. If you have specific questions or need help, please contact us at [email protected], or by calling 734-213-2020 and selecting Option 3.

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