5 Cloud Technology Trends in 2020 | OTAVA®

12-27-21 | Blog Post

5 Cloud Technology Trends in 2020

Blog Posts

Every year there is a new list of trending IT solutions that improve efficiencies and processes. IT professionals, in order to keep their organizations lean and agile, will look to this upcoming years’ latest technologies and trends. With pressure to cut costs and improve processes, 2019’s technologies can help CIOs, CTOs, and CISOs achieve this. Investing in cloud solutions and services will help organizations increase productivity, efficiency, and beat out competition. Here are the top 5 solutions your company should implement in 2019:

1. Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Much like this past year, The Hybrid Cloud will continue to gain traction in 2020. The public cloud is not a one-size-fits-all type of solution. On the other hand, a complete move of all processes and data to the cloud can create worry and be a difficult task altogether- especially those with strict regulations and policies to follow. For this reason, organizations will turn to a hybrid cloud strategy in 2019.

The hybrid cloud model offers an intermediary solution that combines your organization’s on-premise infrastructure with off-premise infrastructure in the cloud. Your organization can protect mission critical processes on-premise and less-critical ones in the cloud. This hybrid model allows organizations to transition to the cloud and their own pace with great flexibility and scalability.

The possibilities of hybrid cloud are endless.

2. Security as a Service (SECaaS)

Security as a Service (SECaaS) will become even more of an issue in 2020. Due to the exponential increase in cyberattacks in recent years and the fact that 49% of CISOs believe their company isn’t prepared for a cyberattack, cybersecurity will be a huge topic this coming year.

Companies cannot afford to remain on the sidelines when it comes to cybersecurity and, as more all-in-one cybersecurity solutions enter the market, it is easier than ever to fully protect your businesses data. The value added by a SECaaS solution includes an all-in-one, end-to-end security solution that includes the following features:

  • Security Information Event Management (SIEM)
  • Antivirus
  • Managed Security Services
  • Firewall
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention
  • Email Security
  • Multi-Factor Authentication

These services can all be attained from one service provider in a SECaaS bundle instead of purchasing these security services from 10 different providers. On top of this, outsourcing your security administrative tasks (like log management) will free up your IT department to focus more on growing your business instead of maintaining it.

3. Increasing Job Market

As businesses are increasingly adopting technology based solutions the demand for a tech savvy workforce continues to grow. As the demand grows, so too do the job opportunities in cloud security and development. According to BLS.gov, The top 7 Tech jobs are expected to grow by an average of 25% by 2026. This includes jobs in Cloud Security and Data Analysts.

With the changes in the job economy, the doors are wide open for fresh talent and huge growth opportunities for those in the tech industry. Many top minds are gravitating toward tech, specifically cloud based software and security, and the door is wide open for fresh new ideas and jobs.

Knowing this, businesses will be more inclined to invest in cloud solutions because of the increasing relevance and advancement of cloud technology.

4. Backup/Disaster Recovery

Business and IT managers know that backing up critical data is one of many key drivers to business continuity. Failing to backup data can result in lost customer data, employee info, contracts, and more amidst disaster, cyberattacks, or human-error. Getting data backups off-site and building in redundancy is a huge initiative for IT teams.

With cyberattacks reaching all time highs worldwide, Backup and Disaster Recovery will play an even greater role in business strategy than ever before

The cloud has stepped into the ring, and is the new front runner in the backup industry. It’s a way to backup your data offsite, to a service provider’s data center, and access it over the internet. The cloud allows you to scale up or down with the amount of storage you need, as well as keep your business-critical data geographically secure.

5. GDPR Compliance Assistance

With so much benefit to be gained in the cloud, many organizations will find difficulty in complying with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations). According to a Gartner study, 99% of vulnerabilities will be continuously known by security and IT professionals for at least one year. Cyber security threats are sure to increase in the coming years, but only a handful of organizations truly understand how to be fully GDPR compliant amidst cyber threats.

Our cloud solutions are all HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and SOC 2 Type 1 compliant. We also have trained security engineers that understand GDPR rules and guidelines so that your organization can feel secure and compliant in our cloud.

Bottom Line

At the beginning of 2019 it was projected that 26 billion devices would be connected to the Internet of Things by 2020. Now, at the end of 2019, we have surpassed that prediction and are on track to have 75 billion devices by 2025. As the world becomes more connected, no business can afford to fall behind.

part of the ongoing processes of automation and digital transformation, IT teams will be turning to the cloud to accomplish goals and projects. The services outlined above will redefine data centers and help move legacy systems into more agile, scalable, and modern systems. If your devices aren’t connected to the cloud, you may be missing out on a great opportunity to outshine your competition.

Now is the time to embrace the future of technology.

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