How to Leverage Cloud Automation to Boost Productivity and Reduce Strain on Skilled Labor | OTAVA®

06-23-22 | Blog Post

How to Leverage Cloud Automation to Boost Productivity and Reduce Strain on Skilled Labor

Blog Posts

As businesses constantly strive to become more efficient and productive, the role of automation in the workplace has become increasingly important. Automation can help reduce strain on skilled labor while also boosting productivity, as illustrated by a recent study by Help Net Security. The results showed that businesses that automate their processes using cloud-based technologies saw a significant increase in output, with little to no impact on overall employee workloads.  


In this blog, we will discuss how cloud automation can be leveraged to achieve these goals. We’ll also discuss the advantages of using cloud automation in your day-to-day operations.  


Cloud Automation in a nutshell 

Cloud automation is the process of automating various tasks in the cloud. Automation includes everything from provisioning and configuring resources to deploying and managing applications. 


Businesses must first understand what operations they can automate and how to automate them to take advantage of cloud automation. They can then start implementing automation solutions to increase productivity and decrease labor strain on their qualified staff. 


Top 6 Processes to Automate Today to Improve Productivity 


If you’re aiming to improve operational productivity, there are a number of processes that you can automate. Here are six processes that you can automate today to see an immediate improvement in your productivity: 


1. Configuration Management 

One of the most important aspects of cloud automation is configuration management. Configuration management is the process of managing and maintaining the configurations of your resources. Configuration includes keeping track of changes, ensuring consistency, and providing visibility into the configurations of your resources. 

Configuration management is a critical part of any cloud automation strategy. Without it, it would be difficult to maintain the consistency of your resources. Configuration management can help you improve the quality of your service and reduce the need for skilled labor. 


2. Automate Cloud Security 

Cloud security is a critical concern for any business that uses cloud-based applications and services. You can improve your cloud security posture by automating patch management, configuration management and event monitoring security to reduce the risk of data breaches.  


3. Monitoring and Logging 

Monitoring and logging are two essential processes for any business that wants to improve its productivity. Monitoring can help you identify issues and problems to take corrective action. Logging can help you track changes, audit activities, and troubleshoot issues. 


Monitoring and logging are often manual processes; however, you can consider automation with the right tools. You can enhance your efficiency and quality while lowering the need for manual work by automating these procedures. 


4. Cloud Backup Automation  

Backing up data is a critical part of any business operation. However, it can be a time-consuming and manual process. Fortunately, several cloud backup solutions can automate this process, which will free up your time and resources to focus on other tasks.  


Cloud backup solutions can provide several benefits, including: 

  • Improved reliability 
  • Reduced downtime 
  • Faster recovery times 
  • Improved security


5. Managing User Accounts and Permissions  

Managing user accounts and permissions is a process of managing who has access to what in a cloud computing environment. Management of accounts includes creating and deleting user accounts and assigning and revoking permissions. This process can be time-consuming and error-prone if done manually. However, by leveraging cloud automation, it is possible to automate this process. 


There are a few different ways that user account management can be automated, including: 

  • Automating the provisioning of user accounts. 
  • Automating the assignment of user permissions. 
  • Automating the management of user groups. 
  • Integrating with identity and access management solutions.

6. Provisioning and Deployment of Resources 

Provisioning and deployment are two essential processes for any business that wants to improve its productivity. Provisioning allocates resources, such as computing power, storage, and networking. Deployment is the process of making those resources available to users. Businesses can save time and money by automating this procedure. Automating the provisioning and deployment process can also improve service quality by reducing human error. 


There are many additional benefits you can achieve by leveraging cloud automation, including: 


Reduced Strain on Skilled Labor 

Another benefit of cloud automation is reduced strain on skilled labor. By automating tasks that require skilled labor, it is possible to reduce the amount of time and resources that are needed to carry out these tasks. Cloud automation can help free up skilled labor for other tasks or even allow businesses to reduce their reliance on skilled labor altogether. 


Improved Productivity and Efficiency 

One of the most significant benefits of cloud automation is improved productivity and efficiency. It can free up time and resources that can be better spent on other tasks like innovation. In addition, automated tasks are often more accurate and more consistent than manual tasks, which can improve the quality of service. It also reduces the opportunity for human error to impact operations.  


Improved Scalability and Capacity Planning 

Businesses can more easily scale their operations up or down as needed without the challenges of hiring and retaining talent. Improved scalability and capacity planning can also help to improve the bottom line by reducing the need for expensive, contracted skilled labor. In many cases, businesses can achieve the same results with fewer resources when they leverage cloud automation. 


Increased Flexibility and Agility 

Many businesses are looking for ways to improve their flexibility and agility. Cloud automation can help to achieve this by reducing the amount of manual tasks. This automation may help you save time and resources, allowing you to concentrate on higher-level activities. Businesses that can adapt to change quickly will have a competitive advantage. Cloud automation can help give businesses this advantage by making it easier to pivot and implement changes. 


Improved Quality of Service 

When tasks are automated, it is possible to improve the quality of service by reducing the opportunity for human error. In addition, you can complete automated tasks quicker than manual tasks, providing more timely support, sales, and marketing correspondence to clients and prospects. 


Bottom Line 

Otava is a great partner in implementing cloud automation. Our team of experts can help you properly leverage cloud automation to achieve your desired results. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business boost productivity and reduce strain on your skilled labor. 

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