Why More Manufacturers are Moving to Hybrid Private Cloud | OTAVA®

04-30-21 | Blog Post

Why More Manufacturers are Moving to Hybrid Private Cloud

Blog Posts

The evolution of industry and manufacturing is actually a parent to all technological development. We still borrow and refine ideas from the earliest industrial processes each time we build a new physical widget or deploy new processes.  It then becomes an interesting paradox that manufacturing may be somewhat of a laggard in realizing the benefits and efficiencies that centuries of technological advancements offer.

Industrial Revolutions- From Buzz Words to Quantum Leaps

As with so many other technological advancements, Industry 4.0 originated primarily as a buzzword. Sometime around 2012, Industry 4.0 began its life as a description of advanced technology used in the German industrial sector. As input on Industry 4.0 became global, the tree of benefits grew to include many of the essential process improvements that impact industry and enterprise today. These include AI, Robotics, IoT, and Big Data to name but a few. Considering the first Industrial Revolution in the 18th century represented a quantum leap by mastering the use of steam and coal power for the production of textiles and metals, we’ve come a long way.

The Benefits and Artifacts Impacting Cloud Manufacturing

Focusing in specifically on manufactures, Cloud Manufacturing; the sharing of resources, processes, and production on a cloud-based platform, began to gain traction in the early 2000’s. The known advantages are common to many cloud-based approaches: volume-based economics, shared resources and collaboration, reduced time to market, lowered development and design costs and enhanced market reach. On-going technology and process challenges can hinder some manufactures from achieving these benefits. Legacy artifacts that can impact the evolution to Cloud Manufacturing:

  • Programmable Logical Controllers (PLCs), the brains for yesterday’s automation systems, can be challenging to integrate with new, highly efficient IoT systems.
  • Legacy and proprietary ERPs, resident in on-prem servers (or maybe even mainframes) may lack APIs and the ability to integrate to SaaS, Cloud and IoT applications.
  • Legacy systems many times lack the ability to integrate real-time interfaces and portals for shared partner, customer, design and inventory interactions.

There is always a great deal of anxiety around the impact and costs of evolution. When considering an evolution to Cloud Manufacturing it’s important to factor in the annual cost of proprietary IT facilities, labor and applications.  Access and collaboration limitations are also pertinent. The flexibility, ubiquitous secure access and reduced economics of SaaS and cloud held drive the value decision to rapidly evolve to cloud manufacturing.

Compliant Cloud Manufacturing

The move to Cloud Manufacturing (and the general digital transformation of manufacturing) and integrating to cloud-based technologies requires a thorough knowledge of PCI security and compliance. Like other industries, the lack of current manufacturing IT staff that are proficient in cloud security and regulations can be a liability. Working with a certified PCI compliant Cloud Services Provider can provide the expertise and assistance to augment your current IT and security team.

Making the Move

The global cloud manufacturing market is predicted to reach $111B by 2024. That number represents a serious level of evolution for many in the manufacturing industry.  While Industry 4.0 continues to evolve, it is proven that the early adopters are reaping important benefits today and have an edge on tomorrow. If your manufacturing business is grappling with the technical, security and IT resourcing requirements for a move to Cloud Manufacturing, Otava can Help. Otava offers a complete portfolio of PCI compliant cloud services, cloud backup and disaster recovery solutions to ensure your business (and its data) is always on, always compliant and always available. Contact us or email us to get started.

Additional Information

PCI DSS 4.0 and Cloud Services

PCI DSS 4.0, the proposed revision to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards V3.2.1, is currently scheduled for completion by mid-2021

PCI Compliant Clouds

Cardholder and other sensitive data can be secure in the cloud – and more highly available – especially when you know the physical location of your data and have evidence of the appropriate safeguards in place.

PCI Compliant Colocation

If you already own servers, elect to manage them yourself, or need a viable compliant and secure offsite backup and disaster recovery location, that’s right in our wheelhouse.

PCI Compliant Disaster Recovery and Backup

Otava’s PCI-compliant recovery sites keep your core systems fully tested, managed and protected.

Overwhelmed by cloud chaos?
We’re cloud experts, so you don’t have to be.

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