Why More Healthcare Companies are Moving to Hybrid Private Cloud | OTAVA®

04-23-21 | Blog Post

Why More Healthcare Companies are Moving to Hybrid Private Cloud

Blog Posts

The article, In Pandemic’s Wake, Healthcare IT Faces New Realities goes on to define the drivers of accelerated cloud adoption in Healthcare. Included are shifts in patient monitoring from hospital to home, hybridization of virtual and in person consultations and a full scale move to cloud based platforms and applications.

Hybrid Cloud Benefits for Healthcare

To further clarify the benefits of cloud in healthcare, we need to focus on Hybrid Private Cloud. Hybrid Private Cloud is an integration of prem-based resources and private cloud services that permits rapid, secure and compliant movement of workloads. The movement of workloads can be dynamic based upon security, IT and infrastructure requirements. According to iHealthcareAnalyst, the global Healthcare Cloud market will rise to $23.7B by 2027. This explosive growth is driven by “unique advantages in data flexibility, security, and scalability.” Drilling down, the advantages that compliant cloud brings to Healthcare include:

  • Highly adaptive, precise and secure handling and sharing of massive medical imaging files.
  • Improved access and transmission quality for the exploding field of telemedicine.
  • Breaking down geo-boundaries for medical expertise and collaboration.
  • Healthcare and medical research delivered more expediently, and with improved economics, via the use of resource intensive tools like analytics, big data and AI.
  • Integrating  a secure full mesh of patient records,  finance and insurance information.
  • Providing the industries best and leading-edge security, administered globally 24x7x365 by highly trained HIPAA security specialists.
  • Improved access to basic and specialty healthcare across all populations and demographics.

“Compliant” is a Keyword

In Healthcare, HIPAA privacy rules and compliance mandates provides governance over both how you handle ePHI (Electronic Protected Health Information) and the rules for access, transport, storage and security. This governance can be particularly expensive and IT staff intensive to maintain in private premises-based solutions. The certified compliant Cloud Provider offers economic and staffing relief at scale. Breaches are both expensive and damaging to reputation, so it’s important to consider only compliant Cloud Providers. Fully HIPAA compliant Cloud Providers:

  • Feature Business Associate Agreements
  • Provide HIPAA audit report detail
  • Offer HIPAA Compliant Cloud Hosted and Colocation Services
  • Offer HIPAA compliant Disaster Recovery and Backup

Looking for HIPAA Compliant Cloud Services? Otava can help. Our cloud, disaster recovery and colocation solutions have helped covered entities and business associates alike adhere to HIPAA regulations and keep PHI secure. Download our free white paper on HIPAA compliant hosting, check out our HIPAA compliant solutions or contact us to learn more.

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