Online Tech Achieves Industry-leading Recovery Times with OTDRaaS | OTAVA®

05-03-17 | Press Release

Online Tech Achieves Industry-leading Recovery Times with OTDRaaS

Press & News

May 3, 2017, ANN ARBOR, MI – Online Tech is pleased to announce in the one year since the launch of its disaster recovery product, OT Disaster Recovery as a Service (OTDRaaS), clients have achieved industry-leading recovery times for their applications. On average, their recovery point objectives (RPOs) dropped to under 12 seconds, and recovery time objectives (RTOs) decreased to just 10 minutes.

OTDRaaS achieves 12 second RPOs and 10 minute RTOs.

“I’m very pleased with the results we’ve seen in the past year, based on great feedback from our customers,” said Nick Lumsden, Vice President of Technology and Product Strategy at Online Tech. “With the continuous improvements we’re making, disaster recovery is simpler than ever. Those customers that are in a crisis and need to fail over can log into our portal and in four clicks be failed over and running, with our support team there every step of the way.”

It’s not just real-life disasters that Online Tech’s team provides support for. Clients who also want to test their recovery sites, whether for regulatory compliance purposes or simply for peace of mind, can do so quickly and without disruption to their production environments. Lumsden said it only takes four clicks for clients to be testing their disaster plan in Otava’s portal.

When OTDRaaS was first launched in early 2016, its goal was to provide a service for clients that would bring costs associated with disaster recovery down, while remaining easy to scale. Customers can consume this platform as a service, meaning they can buy just as much as they need, and they can scale it as they grow.

Lumsden said he’s pleased with how much OTDRaaS has grown in the past year, but that there’s more to come. “I’m happy with the results we’ve seen, but we’re looking ahead to improving our offering so that it remains the best on the market,” he said.

OTDRaaS is fully managed and comes with the complete support of the Otava team, which is always ready to help configure, test or initiate a failover.

For more information, visit

About Online Tech

Online Tech is the Midwest’s leader in secure, compliant hybrid cloud, colocation, disaster recovery and offsite backup services. The company’s network of seven data centers protect mission critical applications to ensure they are always available, secure and comply with government and industry regulations. Backed by independent HIPAA, PCI, SSAE 16, EU-US Privacy Shield and SOC 2 audits, Online Tech delivers exceptional experiences for companies in need of a strategic hosting partner. For more information, call (877) 740-5028, email [email protected] or visit

Press contact: Chris Rizzo, Marketing Manager, [email protected]

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