Online Tech Introduces Powerful New Azure Spending Management Tool | OTAVA®

08-31-17 | Press Release

Online Tech Introduces Powerful New Azure Spending Management Tool

Press & News

August 31, 2017, ANN ARBOR, MICH. — Online Tech is pleased to announce the release of its SprawlGuard™ protection services, a unique proprietary technology designed exclusively by Online Tech. The service was specifically created to track and optimize public cloud spending, the No. 1 concern among mature cloud users, according to RightScale.

SprawlGuard logo

Thanks to SprawlGuard™ technology, clients who use Microsoft Azure® can define precise cost centers and then see advanced usage analysis on a daily basis to get alerts and predictions on their total monthly spend, giving them complete control over their Azure spend management.

“Our SprawlGuard™ technology dramatically simplifies the process the client goes through to understand their Azure spend,” said Kurt Schaldenbrand, Product Design Manager at Online Tech. “Clients have a hard time determining who is using what resources when, and when they use SprawlGuard™ protection, it does all that monitoring for them so they save hours of time every month. We let them define how they want to track their spending so that it’s easy to monitor with just a few clicks.”

The unique technology features a detailed SprawlGuard™ dashboard, shown through Online Tech’s client portal, OTPortal. It’s included in Online Tech’s entire IT management platform, where clients can easily identify usage and spending trends across departments in a single pane of glass. They can also create a customizable cost center analysis view as well as set budgets for those cost centers and receive alerts if they are close to or have exceeded their monthly spend.

The driving force behind the SprawlGuard™ technology is the frustration organizations have experienced trying to understand and control their own public cloud spend. While Azure offers billing alerts, the SprawlGuard™ alert system is predictive rather than reactive. Azure only lets you define a budget and set simple threshold-level alerts per Azure subscription. SprawlGuard™ technology uses machine learning to offer detailed alerts and anticipate an organization’s cloud spend that month, allowing them take charge of their cloud costs.

“We’ve consistently heard from our customers that they’re being shocked by their bill every month,” said Nick Lumsden, Vice President of Technology and Product Strategy. “I’m excited that our new SprawlGuard™ protection can help them make decisions about their cloud spend even before they get their bill.”

Lumsden added that Online Tech is continuing to add new features to its SprawlGuard™ services to specifically increase workload optimization in addition to managing cloud costs. “We are diligently working on enhancing the intelligence of SprawlGuard™ protection to seek out abandoned, over allocated or non-persistent workloads,” he said. “We believe these new features will help our clients seize control of their public cloud spend in a way that’s unlike anything currently on the market.”

SprawlGuard™ protection is available with Online Tech’s Managed Microsoft Azure services. For more information, visit

About Online Tech

Online Tech is the Midwest’s leader in secure, compliant hybrid cloud, colocation, disaster recovery and offsite backup services. The company’s network of seven data centers protect mission critical applications to ensure they are always available, secure and comply with government and industry regulations. Backed by independent HIPAA, PCI, SSAE 16, EU-US Privacy Shield and SOC 2 audits, Online Tech delivers exceptional experiences for companies in need of a strategic hosting partner. For more information, call (877) 740-5028, email [email protected] or visit

Press contact: Christopher Rizzo, Marketing Manager, [email protected]

Note: Azure® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

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