Updates to PCI-DSS Compliance for E-Commerce & Cloud Computing Security | OTAVA®

02-22-13 | Blog Post

Updates to PCI-DSS Compliance for E-Commerce & Cloud Computing Security

Blog Posts

Join Online Tech and guest Adam Goslin for a discussion of the new PCI cloud computing guidelines recently released to clarify the roles and responsibilities of cloud service providers and merchants.

Title: Updates to PCI-DSS Compliance for E-Commerce and Cloud Computing Security
When: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 from 2-3 PM ET
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Description: Last month, the PCI council released new guidelines to help e-commerce companies, other merchants and those leveraging PCI cloud computing understand how to apply the rules to meet PCI DSS compliance.

Adam Goslin, COO of High Bit Security, highlights the key takeaways and answers questions about working with cloud service providers and protecting cardholder data in cloud and e-commerce environments.

Adam GoslinAdam Goslin, COO, High Bit Security, LLC
Adam has an IT career that spans more than 15 years, going on to found High Bit Security, a national security services provider, providing penetration testing solutions to clients who need to protect sensitive data in industries such as Healthcare, Credit Card, Financial, or companies that otherwise store Intellectual Property or Personally Identifiable Information. High Bit Security also provides security consulting services to our clients to assist them with their compliance objectives across PCI-DSS, PA-DSS, or simply wish to perform a security best practices audit of their organization. www.HighBitSecurity.com

Read more about cloud computing and PCI compliance:
Your Cloud Hosting Provider May Be PCI Compliant But That Doesn’t Mean You Are
Compliance is non-transferable, is the jist of the PCI SSC’s recent supplement on PCI cloud computing guidelines for merchants (e-commerce, retail, franchise and anyone that deals with credit cardholder data). Directly referencing merchants that work with cloud service providers (CSP’s), … Continue reading →

New Industry Guidelines for Secure, PCI Compliant Mobile Payments
The PCI SSC (Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council) is looking alive this year, rolling out supplemental guides to help clarify a number of evolving PCI technical issues, including: PCI Cloud Computing E-commerce Security ATM Security Mobile Payment Acceptance Security … Continue reading →

PCI Compliant Disaster Recovery
Within PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards), there is a standard dedicated to having the merchant create an incident response plan in order to act quickly and surely in the event of a breach. The requirement demands that … Continue reading →

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