Data Centers Are Bright Spot in Troubled Economy | OTAVA®

03-20-09 | Blog Post

Data Centers Are Bright Spot in Troubled Economy

Blog Posts

Even as IT budgets are slashed, data center spending remains steady

More news out of AFCOM – This one from Computer Networking

While the headlines scream about the economy’s downward spiral, it seems there’s a bright spot, at least if you’re a data center manager. More than half of data center managers surveyed by AFCOM, the leading professional organization for data center management professionals, said their budgets wouldn’t be cut this year.

“What that means to us is that over 50 percent of respondents weren’t seeing an impact on their budgets – which means the majority of corporations realize that the data center is the lifeblood of their organizations, and that they need to focus on keeping their data flowing, secure and optimized,” Jill Eckhaus, CEO of AFCOM says.

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