Otava CEO featured in Authority Magazine | OTAVA®

11-20-20 | Press Release

Otava CEO featured in Authority Magazine

Press & News

Otava is in the news! CEO Brad Cheedle was interviewed by Authority Magazine on “5 Things You Need To Know To Optimize Your Company’s Approach to Data Privacy and Cybersecurity” and offered best practices and suggestions for companies seeking advice on security, privacy and compliance. Check out an excerpt below:

What are the 3 things that most excite you about the Cybersecurity industry? Can you explain?

Cybersecurity is arguably one of the most important technologies and disciplines of our time.

I get excited about the innovation taking place to help protect businesses as they advance down the digital transformation path. Otava is one of the only security- and compliance-focused specialty cloud services providers in the U.S. We expressly chose that focus because without a security-first posture — an overarching set of principles that includes everything from the tools used and the policies enacted, to the processes followed by all employees — the tremendous value of cloud computing can be quickly negated. The innovation is not just in the tools themselves, but the processes to integrate and embed the technology throughout so it is truly effective.

I also appreciate the fact that cybersecurity, including compliance, presents one of the greatest challenges of our lifetime. Because of this, technology needs to be as advanced as possible to stay one step ahead, which drives development opportunity. And at the same time, there is a need for a human element to help with education and compliance assurance. At Otava, we bake data security and compliance into every layer of our services, and our team has the expertise to help our clients to not only understand, but to be fully prepared for the threat landscape.

Finally, cybersecurity is an area that has unlimited growth potential. As we move deeper into the digital age, data security becomes increasingly important and will affect virtually every part of our lives, at home and at work. So, from a professional standpoint and business perspective, the opportunities will continue to unfold in ways we have not even yet imagined.

Read the full interview here: https://medium.com/authority-magazine/brad-cheedle-of-otava-5-things-you-need-to-know-to-optimize-your-companys-approach-to-data-99d2484bd1d2

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