Gartner Data Center Prediction Comes True | OTAVA®

02-24-09 | Blog Post

Gartner Data Center Prediction Comes True

Blog Posts

Gartner Says 50 Percent of Data Centers Will Have Insufficient Power and Cooling Capacity by 2008

STAMFORD, Conn., November 29, 2006 — Organizations are increasingly deploying more computing power, but, by 2008, 50 percent of current data centers will have insufficient power and cooling capacity to meet the demands of high-density equipment, according to Gartner, Inc.

Two years ago, Gartner made the above shocking prediction … then it turned out to be true. CIOs and IT Managers are maxing out their data centers as Moore’s law plays out – twice as fast, twice as much power, half the space, every 18 months.

In today’s economy, IT executives are left with a difficult set of decisions:

  • Do I request more capital to meet my growing IT demands?
  • Can I reduce costs to meets the demands?
  • How do I keep my data center running with less skilled IT professionals on staff?

With limited capital to invest in data centers and the pressure to reduce costs, Many CIOs are considering how they can expand their data centers through co-location with an experienced managed datacenter operator.

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