Practical Disaster Recovery and Colocation Presentation | OTAVA®

12-10-08 | Blog Post

Practical Disaster Recovery and Colocation Presentation

Blog Posts

Featuring: Online Technologies and Dell EqualLogic

Mike Klein, President of Online Tech presented a “Practical Disaster Recovery and Data Center Colocation” to a group of Michigan IT professionals in a Seminar sponsored by AmeriNet at Altair Engineering on December 5th, 2008.

Mike presented several frameworks that can be helpful in explaining data center decisions and disaster recovery trade-offs to senior executives in terms and language they can understand.

For example, when cost is not a factor, it’s easy to demand a recovery time of seconds in the event of a nuclear blast. However, when looking at cost compared to the scale of a disaster and the recovery time objective, it becomes easier for executives to understand the trade-offs and categorize recovery time requirements for different groups of applications and data depending of how critical they are to the survival of the company.

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